

Mikheil Saakashvili toured schools in Khashuri


The President of Georgia visited Khashuri schools today and congratulated teachers and students on the beginning of a new academic year. Mikheil Saakashvili viewed the “classroom of the future” at the renovated #3 public school of Khashuri.

“I visited schools today where similar things are being done. Some other things need to be done in your school and I have already spoken to your director about them. Now I want to visit the schools which we have not yet renovated. Some schools of Georgia already have classrooms like this one, but every school will have them by the end of next year. Netbooks are already everywhere. I know very well that there is still a lot to be done, but opening such a classroom in Khashuri is already a good sign” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

The Head of Sate also visited the schools the rehabilitation of which has not yet begun. Mikheil Saakashvili ordered the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science to rehabilitate them. Based on the Presidents order, the renovation works will begin at the #6 public school tomorrow and end in 10 days.

“We saw 7-8 schools that have been rehabilitated well today, but this school which is the largest of all of them, is in very bad condition. Bring workers tomorrow morning at nine o’clock here, even if you have to bring them from other construction sites! Do it so that the study process does not stop and everything is finished in 10 days!” –the President of Georgia told them.

The President also ordered them to renovate # 1 public school in Khashuri. Mikheil Saakashvili personally received information from teachers regarding the existing problems at the school.

“The fact that we no longer live in the old system should be shown at this school as well. Take work brigades to school #6 by 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, and by 10:00 a.m. here. They won’t interfere with you, and this school will also be renovated in 10 days. They will work around the clock and schools will definitely be finished. Khashuri is the most damaged region in this sense and we have to have the best schools here. This is my order, and it will be done by my initiative” – noted the Head of State.

After touring schools, Mikheil Saakashvili met with the local residents and spoke to them about development plans of the region.

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