

The President of Georgia made a statement regarding the preliminary results

Dear Compatriots,

After summing up the preliminary election results it is evident that the “Georgian Dream” coalition has achieved the advantage.

This means that the Parliament majority must form a new government and I, as President within my constitutional boundaries, will assist the process that will enable Parliament to begin its work, elect its speaker, and form the new government.

It is well known to you that for us, and for me personally, the ideas of the coalition are fundamentally unacceptable. There are very deep differences between us, and we think that they are extremely wrong.

However, democracy works so that the Georgian people make decisions by majority, and this is what we hugely respect.

At the same time, as the Party leader, I would like to state, that the United National Movement is switching to opposition from now on.

The achievements in the 8 years since the Rose Revolution are very important not only for the history of Georgia.

This is the most important multi-century achievement in our history, one of the most important time periods and this achievement has turned Georgia into one of the most central countries.

This is why I am deeply convinced that no matter what kind of danger these achievements face in the end, it is impossible to destroy them in the nearest future.

From now on, we will fight for the future of our country as an opposition force, and we will fight so that everything that has been created in the recent years in terms of fighting crime and corruption, as well as modernization of Georgia and building new institutions is protected maximally. We will retain it for future generations, and be able to advance Georgia in the future in terms of constitutional or political processes.

Of course I respect the decision of the majority, but at the same time I thank numerous supporters, who have expressed support for the government and the President’s course.

I am sure that progress and Georgia’s development will have no alternative in the future.

We will all continue living with this kind of faith no matter what today’s challenges are.

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