

Letter from President of the Circassian Nationalist Movement

30, September, 2013


The Honorable Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili,

The President of the Republic of Georgia, Tbilisi


Dear President Saakashvili,


The Circassian National Movement (CNM) emanated from the Jordan Association of Caucasus Circassian Friends (JACCF) located in Amman, Jordan, is honored to send you true Caucasian greetings and to write to you to show Caucasians' deep appreciation for your valuable address at the General Assembly of the United Nations that contained logical and realistic principles and achievements that pertain to Georgia and the Caucasus and its nations.

We proudly high value the tangible achievements that Your Excellency's speech in the name of the Glorious Georgian people has presented to the world at the United Nations platform, which explained qualitative shift of transiting from the negative consequences of the Soviet era to shift toward success, contemporary quality and modernity in all walks of life particularly the commitment for democracy, freedom, justice and prosperity for all.

The principles and the human rights values have been exemplified as they are announced by the contents of the speech which called for equality, mutual respect in order not to disregard the rights of others. Your insight referred to the continuous Russian attempts to create sedition among the peoples of the Caucasus in order to create discrimination, but their vigilance always stand bulwark in front of their attempts and thwart all its intrigues.

The CNM and its associate Circassians have followed your speech with all their senses as you placed the tragedy that befell on the Circassian nation and you have transferred the Circassian Question for the first time ever, to the General Assembly of the United Nations. It should be marked that the process started when “the Georgian Parliament has recognized [in May, 2011] genocide of Circassian people – one of the most unknown and tragic pages of history of the world, when the whole nation was wiped out because their land was needed by the Russian Empire.”.



The CNM greets and thanks Your Excellency while looking forward for continuous and consistent coordination and cooperation between Georgians, Circassians and other nations of the Caucasus, and that you will be at the forefront for exerting efforts for the liberation of the peoples of the Caucasus from the yoke of colonialism.

We appreciate the efforts and patriotism of Your Excellency, in serving your great nation and homeland, and we pray to Almighty God to bless you with a prosperous life and bring you good health and happiness, and to keep you always an asset to the Georgian and Caucasian brothers.



Ishaq Mola, President of the Circassian Nationalist Movement

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