

The President of Georgia toured a tile factory

The President of Georgia toured a tile factory “Legi” in Kobuleti today, which produces concrete tiles for road pavement and walkways. Mikheil Saakashvili learned about the working process on site, and noted that if Turkish and Iranian tiles were an alternative in the past, now the Georgian production should be enough for the local market as well as for export.

“All of Lisbon, where I was with Levan Varshalomidze is decorated with such tiles. That’s when we said that we were going to pave the slough area in the  Benze District of Batumi with such tiles. We should use such tiles in Kobuleti, Ozurgeti…we need them in Poti in order to build a new boulevard and in Kakheti as well. For example, they imported tiles from Turkey in Zugdidi because this factory was not yet functional. Additionally, this is important because it has created employment opportunities between sea seasons” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

The local production tiles are also important because the visually impaired will be able to walk them.

The facility was built through a Ukrainian investment of 5 million EURO. The managers of the factory are planning to strengthen the production line even more in the future, which will cost them an additional 5 million EURO investment. There are currently 55 local workers employed at the factory, and after strengthening the line there will be additional 55 jobs created.

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