

Mikheil Saakashvili reviewed the project of a new settlement and visited a new medical center in Mtskheta

The President of Georgia familiarized himself with the new infrastructural development project of Mtskheta and spoke with architects. The project envisions building a new neighborhood, which has already begun to be implemented. As the President noted, everything that will be built in Mtskheta has to comply with the highest standards so that each new building is among the top architectural examples of the world.

The MIA Mtskheta-Mtianeti main division, regional administration, and Georgian Patent buildings will be located in this neighborhood as well as an archaeological museum, public service hall and several hotels. A bridge connecting Mtskheta to the main highway is also being built.

According to the project, resting parks will also become available, where small transparent workshops will be built. As a result, tourists will have a chance to buy Georgian handmade souvenirs as well as observe the process how they are made.

The construction began in fall 2011 and will end approximately in October 2012.

The President of Georgia also visited the new medical center of Mtskheta, which was built within the scope of the hospital sector development program and familiarized himself with the services it offers. The Head of State spoke with the personnel and visited the first patients of the clinic. Mikheil Saakashvili also addressed the local population and spoke about the importance of affordable health insurance. As the President noted, Georgia has achieved tremendous success in the shortest amount of time in terms of healthcare. According to him, modern healthcare should be affordable for everyone.

Mikheil Saakashvili also drew attention to the development of the tourism sector and noted that nowhere else in the world has tourism been developing at such a high rate as in Georgia. The President stated that tourism centers and events are held around the entire country, promoting equality among all the regions of Georgia.

The clinic built by the insurance company “GPI Holding” has 25 beds and employs 100 highly qualified specialists. The new medical center provides ambulatory, stationary, therapy, and other types of medical care. The insurance company invested 4 million GEL in the clinic project. 

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