

The President of Georgia: "2013 is a year of historic chances for Georgia. If we use it in the right way we will achieve many corrections in the internal and foreign policy&hellip, everything was practically ready, and holding the election in a right way strengthened this chance"

A meeting was held between the President of Georgia and the Mayor of Strasbourg, Roland Reis in Strasbourg today. The main topics of discussion were mutual relations and common European values. During the meeting the Mayor once again drew attention to the importance of the pre New Year Georgian culture days in the city. According to him, the French people respect Georgian culture very much and accordingly, all of the events held within the scope of Georgian days attract great interest.
“I am glad that Georgia is a special and honorary Christmas Market host. We have a great desire to familiarize local people with the countries of the European Council as well as the countries of the EU. This year the Georgian kitchen is represented on this market and after tasting it, Europeans will have a greater interest towards Georgia. Development of tourism is one of the most important factors in terms of Georgia’s European integration. This year’s exhibition will be hosted by Georgia’s ambassador, and I have no doubt that I will personally arrive in your country next year.” – noted Roland Reis.
After the meeting, the President of Georgia visited the Christmas Market with the Mayor of Strasbourg, where Georgian goods are exhibited. The Georgian Week was planned last year during the visit of Mikheil Saakashvili to Strasbourg, and it includes other events as well.
After touring the Christmas Market, Mikheil Saakashvili once again drew attention to the importance of cultural days and the historic chances and opportunities given to Georgia after the democratically held elections, in terms of European integration next year.
“We had an idea of holding a Christmas Market in Strasbourg last year, when we were here as a result of a special invitation by the European Council and we saw the Swiss Market. We said back then that we were no less than anyone, and we could exhibit our own production here. With the efforts of our ambassador we were able to hold this market and cultural days which is very important. The year of historic chances in Europe is beginning for us. If we use this opportunity in a right way, the Vilnius Summit is being scheduled for November, and Georgia will have a real chance to become a member of the EU one day. This is a result of hard work in recent years. This year we will be able to get an exact plan, and in the next year and a half finish negotiations on the visa free regime, which means that every Georgian will be able to cross over to Europe with any kind of passport. We can have free trade. Our production can go to Europe and we must not cry over one specific market, from which we can be kicked out at any moment. We have production that we can export to Europe. We may even have an Association Agreement next year. This is 2013, a year of historic chances for Georgia. If we use it in a right way we will achieve many corrections in the internal and foreign policy. Everything was practically ready and holding the election in a right way strengthened this chance. 8 years ago nobody knew anything about Georgia. We were a God forsaken country for these people, where only 120 thousand tourists arrived each year. This year 4 million guests will arrive in Georgia. This is a result of investing a lot of money in the Georgian economy. Only to this market 500-600 thousand Europeans will visit and learn about Georgia. It’s good that everything was done in time and I want to thank everyone who worked on it, especially the Georgian Ambassador” – stated the President of Georgia.
Mikheil Saakashvili’s visit to Strasbourg continues with various meetings and participation in cultural events planned during the visit.

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