

2/15/2013 The President of Georgia assessed last decisions of the Government positively The President of Georgia replied to several recent decisions of the Government. Namely, to the fact of stopping the Georgia-Russia railway project and the issue of cultural heritage monuments on Georgian and Turkish soils.
2/15/2013 The President of Georgia decorated Valdis Zatlers with the Presidential Order of Excellence The President of Georgia granted Georgian citizenship to former President of Latvia, Valdis Zatlers (2007-2011) and Madam Lilita Zatlere for their special merit before the Georgian State.
2/14/2013 The President of Georgia: it is unacceptable to lose the opportunity to enter the European family and for a safer and more secure future The delegation of the largest group in the European Parliament – EPP is visiting Tbilisi these days and we have seen their statement.
2/9/2013 The President of Georgia offered dialog to the Prime minister and his team
"I welcome the fact that the Prime Minister stopped calling for the destruction of the UNM and offered to dialog with my team and the parliamentary opposition."
2/5/2013 The President of Georgia is attending a conference organized by the German Marshall Fund of the US in Germany Participants are discussing ongoing political processes and Georgia’s Euro Atlantic aspirations within the scope of “Following Georgia’s Future Step by Step”.
2/2/2013 “Everything is starting to look like the Government of Georgia is creating problems not for the President, but itself and the country” – Mikheil Saakashvili made a statement regarding this issue in Kobuleti The Head of State commented on the statement of the Secretary General of the United National Movement.
1/31/2013 “If we are seriously not going to play Putin’s imperial games which are equal to returning to the Soviet Empire, if we are not going to destroy Georgia’s future development, then this initiative would completely set this issue aside and Georgia would continued developing” The President of Georgia supported the new initiative of the Parliamentary minority, which envisions...
1/30/2013 Mikheil Saakashvili: “The Parliament in Kutaisi is the beginning of a big political development and economic leap forward for Georgia” The President of Georgia met with professors, students, and representatives of civil society and nongovernmental organizations at the Kutaisi University today.
1/30/2013 The President of Georgia met with the Chairman of Venice Commission The President of Georgia hosted the Chairman of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe at his home in Kvareli today.
2013 (11)
2012 (12)
2011 (12)
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