

The President of Georgia visited a school and a profession college in Akhalkalaki


The President of Georgia visited the N3 Public School in Akhalkalaki today and attended a history lesson. Mikheil Saakashvili also spoke with teachers at the Georgian school of Akhalkalaki, while focusing attention on details of the most recent history. The President also made parallels between the ongoing processes and historic facts. He also touched on the importance of teaching Georgian history.

The President of Georgia awarded the Director of the N3 Public School with the Presidential Order of Excellence.

Later today the President visited the Saint Zosime Kumrdian School, which was founded with the effort of the Metropolitan Bishop Nikoloz of Akhalkalaki and Kumurdo. Mikheil Saakashvili toured the school, familiarized himself with samples created at the school and watched a locally produced film. The children gave the President a handmade decoration sample. The school teaches various types of professional skills including handwork, film montage, cinematography and etc.

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