

The New Year message of the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili

Greetings. As we enter the final minutes of this year I want to greet the whole of Georgia and all Georgians throughout the world. I want to greet [the Georgian regions of] Samegrelo, Ajaria, Abkhazia, Imereti, Kakheti, Guria, Kartli, the Tskhinvali region, Svaneti, Racha, Lechkhumi, Tusheti, Khevsureti, Kvemo Kartli, Meskheti and Javakheti. 
For me, more than anything else, our country resembles St George as a symbol of good prevailing over evil, a symbol of truth prevailing over falsehood, a symbol of fearless struggle and resilience, a symbol of victory and freedom. 

It is also symbolic that this monument was erected in 2006 here, in Georgia's main square, where the Georgian people brought down a symbol of fallacious ideology, because for Georgia the whole of this year has been a year of good fighting evil, truth fighting falsehood and freedom fighting tyranny. This year we have shown the entire world that, just as St George, Georgia miraculously gets stronger whenever it comes under the most intense attack. The greater the pressure, the more firm, unbreakable and invincible our country gets.

In 2006 we have been put through numerous tests of resolve. The Georgian people has taken resolute steps to make it a year of progress. They have tried a lot to make it a year of Georgia's destruction but you have made it a year of Georgia's construction. They wanted 2006 to be a year of Georgia's blockade and isolation, but you have made it a year in which Georgia has more allies and friends than ever before in its entire history.

They hoped that 2006 would be a year of deflated dreams, disillusionment and broken promises. But, together with you, we have managed to keep almost all the promises we gave you and fulfil all the tasks set for this stage. They tried to make 2006 a year of discord among Georgians, but you have shown unprecedented unity and unanimity. You have responded to all the trials, be it economic and energy blockades, deportations of Georgians or other acts of provocation, with shining and worthy examples of national solidarity and resolve.

They wanted it to be a year of Georgia's advance being halted and reversed. But thanks to your efforts, Georgia is ending 2006 as one of the fastest developing countries. It is a fact - is it not? - that we have been recognized as the number one economic reformer in the world. 

All together we have given the world an excellent example of how corruption can be defeated and crime can be fought in an almost hopeless situation. You have shown everyone, both friend and foe, that Georgia can overcome any obstacle. The more obstacles it overcomes, the stronger our special country gets.

Next year will be a year of more progress, more construction and further strengthening of national solidarity. Next year will be a year of major challenges. All together we should make it a year of important victories for the sake of our children's better future and our country's welfare.

I want to wish our citizens in Georgia and our compatriots throughout the world a happy New Year. May you be strong, resilient, successful and victorious. May God protect your families and our country, Georgia.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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