

President Saakashvili visiting Finland

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili is continuing his official visit to Finland. On 12 October, he delivered an address at an event organized by the Paasikivi Society which was attended by representatives of Finnish political circles, foreign diplomats accredited in Finland, experts and political scientists and journalists from politically oriented publications. The main topics of his speech were Georgian-Russian relations and the peaceful settlement of Georgia's separatist conflicts.

"Georgia is now faced with a great challenge. Our relations with Russia are very important. Tbilisi does not want opposition and confrontation in its relations with Moscow. We want to create and maintain guarantees for our own security...

"I am glad to be in Finland today. We were greeted by people in the street waving Georgian flags. This is very pleasing to me. In addition to the fact that we were warmly received, we understand each other very well. The Finnish people understand well the challenge that Georgia faces and are standing by us," the Georgian president said.

At the end of the meeting, Saakashvili was awarded a special medal.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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