

11/17/2007 President Saakashvili visits Kakheti On November 17 President Mikheil Saakashili visited Sagarajo district of the Kakheti region to meet winemakers and winegrowers and to discuss existing problems and challenges. The President was accompanied by the nominee for Prime Minister, Lado Gurgenidz...
11/16/2007 President Saakashvili comments on lifting of state of emergency Today President Mikheil Saakashvili before leaving for Batumi commented on lifting of state of emergency stating that eight days ago the Georgian government has decided to impose the state of emergency, because there were unrests and violent actions, and ...
11/16/2007 Zurab Noghaideli resigns, new Prime Minister nominated Today Prime Minister Zurab Noghaideli has resigned due to his health concerns. In his address president Mikheil Saakashvili announced that former General Director of the Bank of Georgia Lado Gurgenidze has been nominated for the position of Prime Minister...
11/14/2007 Georgia’s natural resources belong to its people, President says President Mikheil Saakashvili met with the Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources Davit Chantladze to discuss the issue of supplying citizens with firewood during winter. According to Minister Chantladze 60 per cent of the population is ...
11/13/2007 President Saakashvili meets public school rectors and teachers On November 12, President Saakashvili visited public school 51 to meet with school rectors and teachers. During the meeting the president mainly discussed the latest developments in Georgia stressing that unlike the year of 1991 this time the government, ...
11/13/2007 President Saakashvili attends paraklisis service dedicated to commemoration of 100 000 Georgian martyrs On November 13 the Georgian Orthodox Church marks commemoration of 100 000 Georgian martyrs. Catholicons Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II offered a paraklisis service at the Metechi bridge. The bridge was full of people. The congregation holding flowers, ...
11/10/2007 President Saakashvili meets leading businessmen Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has said that he will lift the state of emergency in effect in the country when he deems it necessary and "not on someone's instruction". He also said of the events of 7 November, where police used force to disperse ...
11/10/2007 Press Release of the Government of Georgia -Presidential Elections Set in Response to Threats to Georgia’s Liberal Democracy On November 7, the Georgian state faced a threat to its constitutional order that compelled the government to declare a state of emergency. Since both this threat and the resulting state of emergency pose a grave danger to liberal democratic values, Presi...
11/9/2007 President Saakashvili's Head of Administration Ekaterina Sharashidze, Briefs Journalists on State of Emergency Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili's Head of Administration, Ekaterina Sharashidze, held a news conference on 9 November in regard to the state of emergency in effect throughout the country. She told journalists that after the Georgian government took...
11/8/2007 President Saakashvili addresses nation during state of emergency, proposes snap presidential election for 5 January 2008 Dear friends, I decided to address you today with an important message and the assessment of the current events.What happened yesterday [7 November] was not our choice. I would like to stress that this was the only appropriate answer to the plot against G...
11/1/2007 President Saakashvili opens new railway station at Tbilisi airport, says no-one can Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has said that Georgia will reach its "point of destination" despite all obstacles.Speaking to journalists on 1 November after opening a new railway line connecting Tbilisi airport with the central railway station, Sa...
10/31/2007 President Saakashvili condemns Ganmukhuri attack, pledges restoration of Kutaisi Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has described the 30 October incident involving Russian peacekeepers as a "treacherous" attack by a rival that was "armed to the teeth, peremptory, and shameless".The president was speaking at a gathering on 31 Octob...
10/30/2007 President Saakashvili arrives in Ganmukhuri following incident with Russian peacekeepers, declares commander On 30 October Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili arrived in the village of Ganmukhuri, in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict zone, after Russian peacekeepers surrounded the nearby patriot youth camp and detained and brutally beat several local Georgian poli...
10/30/2007 President Saakashvili convenes National Security Council over incident with Russian peacekeepers in Ganmukhuri On 30 October Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili convened a special session of the National Security Council to discuss an incident near the patriot youth camp in the village of Ganmukhuri, on the Georgian-controlled side of administrative border of A...
10/25/2007 President Saakashvili visits Ganmukhuri, Zugdidi Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and Agriculture Minister Petre Tsiskarishvili today visited the village of Ganmukhuri in the Samegrelo region. Saakashvili paid a visit to the family of Zhora Akhalaia. He toured the family's farm and drank the wine ...
10/24/2007 Georgian president sets up anti-monopoly body in effort to combat rising prices Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has asked government members to take active part in a special group that will work to break up monopolies and ensure market diversity in Georgia. He announced the creation of the group, to be subordinated to Prime Mi...
10/19/2007 President Saakashvili attends European People’s Party convention in Lisbon Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili is in Lisbon, Portugal, where he has attended a convention of the European People's Party. In an address at the event, the president noted that integration with the European Union and NATO were among Georgia's top pr...
10/17/2007 President Saakashvili delivers vouchers to Tbilisi family Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and Minister of Health, Labour and Social Affairs Davit Tqeshelashvili today visited the Jandieri family to present them with 100 lari worth of vouchers to cover heating expenses this coming winter, as well as give t...
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