

Mikheil Saakashvili: “I as President state with full responsibility that not only has Georgia never participated in training of terrorists, but we have done everything to make Georgia a safe and responsible member of the international community”

I cannot resist from replying to the Prime Minister’s statement.

He made a lot of statements and I am not going to comment on all of them. The absolute majority of them do not contain a drop of truth, which has unfortunately become a habit in his statements.

However, I cannot not reply to his statement in which he expressed suspicion that we, the Government of Georgia, were training North Caucasian terrorists in order to administer various operations.

This is in exactly in accordance with the propaganda that Russians have been pushing for all these years with the aim of weakening and taking over Georgia.

Do you know that this topic has become very impotent after the Bostonian terrorist act, in which unfortunately two Chechens were involved? In such conditions the Prime Minister’s statement is absolutely unacceptable. I don’t know if he realizes at all what he is putting not only me through, but our country as well.

I am sure that nobody will take this seriously in America, but there are various forces working here and if anyone wants to make Georgia lose its western support and leave it without friends against occupation and foreign threats then they can convince the West in such things.

I repeat once again, as long as I am in my capacity as President, and as long as people are listening to us here nobody will be able to achieve this. However, one must not play with such issues.

I am very sorry that the Prime Minister of Georgia either does not understand or does not want to.

I would like to tell members of the Ivanishvili government – there are people there who cannot not understand this. After all, they have worked on different posts of the Georgian government in the past.

At least voice your opinion and advise the Prime Minister! If he does not go along then say it publicly.

We are talking about the issue of Georgia being or not being, and Georgia’s future.

This is why we should absolutely oppose not only irresponsible, but such extremely dangerous statements as well.

I as President state with full responsibility that not only has Georgia never participated in training of terrorists, but we have done everything to make Georgia a safe and responsible member of the international community.

A lot of our officers in Georgia and abroad have sacrificed their lives for this.

Similar statements truly dishonor their memory.

I once again call on the Prime Minister to be responsible.

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