

The President of Georgia opened an ultramodern hospital in Samtredia

The President of Georgia opened a hospital that complies with international standards in Samtredia today. The multi-profile clinic is equipped with ultramodern technology, has 35 beds, and employs up to 150 qualified specialists. Mikheil Saakashvili spoke with the medical personnel and expressed interest in the level of their qualifications. According to him, the qualification of doctors has to comply fully with international standards. The President also visited the first patients and noted that from now on, ordinary citizens will have a chance to get medical treatment at high quality clinics.

“In the past, there were one or two similar maternity departments in Tbilisi and they were private. One out of a thousand people had an opportunity to go there. There are no more hospitals like this one in the former Soviet Union. There are old hospitals everywhere. Some may be well-accommodated by billionaires but they are only accessible to the members of the government. We have completely changed the psychology. Everyone will soon be mobilized to study our healthcare system, just like it happens in many other spheres. Healthcare is a sphere which requires a personal touch and that is why it should be handled with care” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

The President of Georgia also spoke with the local population and noted that the regions of Georgia are gradually becoming equal in terms of conditions.  Mikheil Saakashvili focused attention on the rehabilitation of schools. According to him, the quality of life has to gradually  in all directions so that we overcome poverty forever.

“Equality is being established gradually: equality among regions, equality among districts and people. Today everyone can get services that were only available to millionaires and billionaires in the past. A woman from Nigorzgva comes here and delivers at a hospital, similar to other hospitals which I have seen in the Netherlands and Sweden. This hospital is not only designed for those who have a lot of money in their accounts – everyone will get treatment here, including the people who have insurance. Such clinics are being opened because our system should be flexible and healthcare should be accessible to everyone. We also have to accommodate the classrooms of our children so that despite poverty they should emerge from school with a different attitude. There is a lot more to be done in Samtredia, but we have to make various steps in order to raise the living standards” – noted Mikheil Saakashvili.

The ultramodern hospital of Samtredia was built by an insurance company “GPI Holding” with an investment of 5.5 million GEL.

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