

Spokesman Dimitri Kitoshvili extends president's condolences to family of slain former MP Guram Sharadze

Dimitri Kitoshvili, the president's parliamentary and media relations secretary, today paid condolences on behalf of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili to the family of former MP Guram Sharadze, who was murdered in Tbilisi on 20 May. He noted that the crime had already been solved thanks to the high qualifications and efficient work of law-enforcement bodies.

"I would like to state that thanks to the qualified and efficient work of the Patrol Police and law-enforcement bodies in general this crime did not remain unsolved as so often happened in the past. I want to say once again that we are very troubled about what has happened and we express our condolences to Mr Sharadze's family. I also want to point out that we will strengthen our efforts in the battle against crime," Kitoshvili said.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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