
Meetings & Visits

The President of Georgia met local businessmen in Hungary

The President of Georgia met Hungarian businessmen within the frames of his official visit today. The businessmen working mainly in tourism, energy sector and agricultural sphere attended the meeting.

Mikheil Saakashvili discussed the reforms carried out during last several years aiming simplification of doing business in Georgia in great details. The President of Georgia stressed his attention on those changes that took place in order to defeat corruption and improve business climate.

"Trade turnover between our countries is low at this moment. But lets put the digits aside for a while and speak about the significance of Georgia within the region.

Six or seven years ago Georgia was one of the unformed states having high rates of criminal and corruption. However it was nominated as number one reformer country during last five years. None of the countries had developed so rapidly as Georgia did. According to World Bank data our country stands on 12th place in the world and on first place in Eastern Europe in regards of simplicity of doing business. The criminal rate in our country is five times low than in Russia or Ukraine. Due to the data we are the most secure country after Island. We have no oil and gas, but we have what others do not have - we don't have bureaucracy. This is a place where it is possible to start business in fastest way. This is a place with the easiest customs procedures. Next year we are expecting four million tourists and in this regards we have geometric progress of growth. The way we are leading Georgia in the direction of Singapore's and Dubai's development is as follows: center - in regards of simplicity of doing business; ancient cultural center that gave so much to Europe. Tourists can enjoy their time in Georgia", the President of Georgia noted. 

Hungarian businessmen expressed their will of coming and investing in Georgia and noted that Georgia is very interesting country in regards of its uncorrupted climate and economic potential.  

The Minister of Economy Vera Kobalia attended the meeting as well. Vera Kobalia held a meeting with her Hungarian counterpart before the negotiations with business circles started. The Minister of Economy of Hungary will visit Georgia in the nearest future. It was decided that a special group will be formed that will study Georgia's reforms on place.

Negotiations between two countries are being conducted regarding the appointment of direct flights as well. 


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