

6/27/2013 Anders Fogh Rasmussen: “you yourself, your successor, and the Prime Minister will all be remembered as builders of Georgian democracy” We just had a very interesting, serious and productive meeting with the Secretary General. Again, we would like to welcome NAC here in Georgia.
6/27/2013 The President of Georgia and the NATO Secretary General held a joint press conference First of all I would like to welcome the NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
6/27/2013 A bilateral meeting was held between the President of Georgia and the NATO Secretary General The sides discussed the importance of deepening mutual relations, and issues related to Georgia’s integration in the North Atlantic structures.
6/25/2013 The President of Georgia hosted the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine The President of Georgia hosted the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Alexander Vilkul. Mutual relations and future cooperation were the main topics of discussion.
6/23/2013 “The Kartli Wine Festival 2013” was held in Gori The President of Georgia attended the “Kartli Wine Festival 2013”which was held at the rehabilitated Castle District in Gori.
6/18/2013 The Press Speaker of the President of Georgia made a statement regarding the premature recall of the Head of the EU Observer Mission “It is unfortunate that we have to make this statement because of inactivity of the current government of Georgia: Head of the EU Observer Mission in Georgia a retired Polish General, Andjei Tishkevich is leaving his post prematurely.
6/18/2013 The President of Georgia expressed sorrow regarding the death of Giga Lortkipanidze I was deeply saddened after learning about the death of a genial Georgian director, inventor and a great Georgian – Giga Lortkipanidze.
6/18/2013 The President of Georgia met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine The President of Georgia met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Leonid Kozhara. Diplomatic relations and deepening economic cooperation between the two countries was the main topic of discussion during the meeting.
6/16/2013 Mikheil Saakshvili met with the President of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli today The President of Georgia is holding bilateral meetings with various leaders while in Rome for the FAO International Conference. Deepening mutual relations and support of non-recognition policy were the main topics of discussion.
6/16/2013 The President of Georgia addressed the 38th Conference of the FAO
An award ceremony was held in Rome before the beginning of the FAO International Conference. The event was opened by granting an award to Georgia. A special award “For success achieved in fighting hunger” was given to the President of Georgia by Jose Graziano Da Silva. By decision of the FAO, such an award was given to leaders of UN member nations which achieved important progress and reforms in this direction.
6/15/2013 The President of Georgia replied to the statement by the United States Congress.
The President of Georgia replied to the statement by the United States Congress. As Mikheil Saakashvili stated, a congressional committee passed a resolution indicating limitation of democracy and reverse in the country.
2013 (30)
2012 (42)
2011 (49)
2010 (32)
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2005 (32)
2004 (4)