

The President of Georgia gave new tasks to the members of the Government.

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili listened to the reports of the Government members on the existing situation in the villages nearby the occupied territories. Mikheil Saakashvili tasked the Ministers of Environment Protection and Agriculture as well as the Governor of Shida Kartli to maximally improve the social conditions of the people, damaged by the occupants. The Government representatives also provided Mikheil Saakashvili with the information about supply of the region with water and firewood. According to the President, all the problems are to be solved as fast and effective as possible.   

The Governor of Shida Kartli, Zurab Arsoshvili, notified the President about the problems that the occupants created in terms of supply with potable and irrigation water. According to his words, there are 10 thousand 125 hectares of land remained without watering that caused delay of the process of land cultivation. However, according to the words of the Minister of Agriculture, in 2009 this problem was partially resolved by the head works in Nikozi, alternative to the one in Tskhinvali - 43 villages are supplied with water by the moment. 7 more villages that are higher the head works mark, are to be connected to this system. According to the information of Bakur Kvezereli, the relevant project is already developed and by the next year, this problem will be settled for Nikozi as well as Ergneti directions. By the next year, this problem will be fully settled for Gori and partly Kareli directions as well. 

According to Mikheil Saakashvili's statement, Nikozi and other villages, located nearby were damaged by the Russian aggression most of all and they are still targets for the occupants today. The President deems that the area of implementation of social programs shall be expanded in these very places. According to Zurab Arsoshvili, population of this region was supported with firewood and food last year. This year the region is going to have problems from this side too, since the glades that the population used, stayed in the occupied area. The Minister of the Environment Protection, from his side, noted that the nearest glades are assigned already and together with the local, regional authorities, they will provide the population of the villages, located along the line of occupation with the firewood for a month.

"We have to provide any support to this people that already were damaged a lot. This means that we have to make them through winter without problems - this year, the next year and years after it, we have to help them and supply them with firewood. Especially in the villages that are located along the line of occupation and that are damaged most of all by provocations arranged by the occupants, we have distribute flour to the population as well. We also have to help those whose land remained uncultivated. We have to do everything to these people within the limits of possibility and provide them with other type of support as well. They must spend the winter well; feel themselves socially protected. We have to activate many other programs as well that are for example, implemented in the area of education. Computerization, qualification improvement, creation of better conditions for teachers' children, support with schoolbooks, health care assistance and support in all the other directions first of all shall touch upon these people. If anything is done anywhere, it primarily should be done in Nikozi, other villages of Gori and Kareli regions in the vicinity. At this stage, this is our response to those scumnesses that the Russian occupants are doing there and the special support to our people. Within the nearest ten days report me on fulfillment of these tasks - implementation of all the programs shall be started immediately.        


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