

During the Briefing Manana Manjgaladze Estimated the Events of Last Week

The spokesperson of the President of Georgia held a briefing  and estimated the events of last week today. As she claimed  visit of  NATO Secretary General in Tbilisi exactly before the Lisbon summit was extremely important.  There were underlined the statements made by  the  Secretary General before the November summit. Particularly the one, that the message of NATO is stable, the door of NATO is still open for Georgia and the state  will become a member of the alliance , providing that  it will meet the demands and  national  plans of the alliance.

 " NATO Liaison office that was founded in Tbilisi, has been already called some kind of Embassy. It is worth mentioning that Georgia received invitation to Lisbon summit from the North Atlantic Alliance. There were held important meetings and serious discussions about Georgia-NATO future cooperation."- Manana Manjgaladze stated.

The spokesperson also stressed that from tomorrow Nika Gilauri starts  his  visits in the US.  From tomorrow he is starting high-level  meetings. As she mentioned , first of all he will attend the conclusive summit of strategic partnership charter , that will be held from 5 to 10 October. From the US  the delegation will be leaded by Hillary Clinton. The negotiation also will be attended by Philip Gordon. The partner states will cooperate on behalf of democracy, economics, trade and public relations. Accordingly, the implemented work in this direction will also be summarized. In addition, there will be estimated accomplished work envisaged by the charter and future plans will become clear.

The core objective of the  visit is to establish tight commercial-economical relationship and cooperation in education sector. Nika Gilauri has planned to coordinate bilateral and multilateral meetings and negotiations in congress , as well as with high officials of executive body and other organizations.

The spokesperson also touched  reforming  the education system  and its modernization .

"This issue is the  main priority and objective for the President. That is why we continually work on it. You know, certification of teachers has been started. 1300 teachers got certificates this year. It is significant , the process will be voluntary up to 2014, after 2014 it will become obligatory. The salary was increased by 75 GEL for those 1300  teachers who have obtained certificates . According to new initiative of the President the  extra money will be increased with 20 GEL for the teacher who will show minimal knowledge of computer and English language and will pass a corresponding exam. The exams are planned in February and March. Accordingly, each  interested person can address to the Ministry of Education  and  get prepared for United National Exams."- Manana Manjgaladze said.


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