

Traditional Briefing of the Press Speaker of the President of Georgia

The resolution passed by the European Parliament was the main topic during the traditional briefing of the Press Speaker of the President of Georgia.

“The mentioned resolution not only recognizes the occupation of the Georgian territories, but also calls for the Russian Federation to make specific steps in order to fulfill every part of the Ceasefire Agreement. This is the first time that the European Parliament has mentioned forceful demographic changes in such a document and moreover, it is holding an occupational regime responsible for it. It is also important that Georgia is mentioned in the document as a European state and it is recognized and verified that our country has the prospect of joining the EU. It is also exceedingly important that an absolute majority of the European Parliament has supported this resolution and practically all of the political groups stood by the document” – noted the Press Speaker.

Manana Manjgaladze also noted that, the negotiations regarding the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement will begin at the end of the year, in December. According to her, this was once again stressed in the resolution, and once again affirmed by the visit of the EU’s High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy - Catherine Ashton, to Georgia. The negotiations regarding further visa liberalization will take place at the beginning of next year.

Manana Manjgaladze also mentioned the events of next week and noted that next week will be very busy in terms of foreign affairs.

“A delegation of American Congressmen will arrive in Georgia and participate in the events on “Giorgoba,” in the name of the Rose Revolution anniversary. Additionally, the delegation of the European People’s Party will visit Georgia. The visit of the President of Armenia – Serzh Sargsyan is planned during November 29th -December 10th” – noted Manana Manjgaladze.

The Press Speaker of the President familiarized the journalists with the events planned in the name of the Rose Revolution anniversary and explained that these events have  basically begun: the renewed Rikoti tunnel has already been opened, the construction of the Kutaisi International Airport will begin shortly and the Kutaisi State Museum of History will be opened. Additionally, the Kutaisi Government House has just been opened, where the first government session will be held today.

Manana Mangjaladze distinguished the opening of the renovated Agmashenebeli Avenue from the events planned for November 23.

“The rehabilitation of Agmashenebeli Avenue is very important. It is safe to say that this avenue has returned its historical appearance. It has to be noted that massive human effort has been put into this project and I would like to thank these people for their hard work. They have completely renovated Agmashenebeli Avenue, giving it the old and true appearance.

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