

Mikheil Saakashvili opened the Kutaisi Government House

The President of Georgia opened the newly-built Government House in a ceremonial setting in Kutaisi, where the first government session was held today. Mikheil Saakashvili chaired the session and talked to the representatives of the government about the implemented and planned projects. Mikheil Saakashvili also spoke about rebuilding Kutaisi and noted that its historical meaning should be returned to this city; it should become a political and administrative center of the country as well as its second capital. He also gave specific orders to the members of the Government – namely, to hold every third or fourth government session in the Kutaisi Government House.

Mikheil Saakashvili drew attention to the issues related to free trade and a visa free regime with the member countries of the European Union. According to him, this fact has a very significant meaning for Georgia and the relevant negotiations will begin soon.

The President of Georgia also mentioned the resolution of the European Parliament, in which it is noted that Georgia should become a member of the EU.

One more overly important fact, about which Mikheil Saakashvili talked to the members of government, was related to raising the credit rating of Georgia.

“Out of the 200 countries of the world, the credit rating of two countries increased in this specific time period; Kazakhstan (which has oil) and Georgia. We have advanced from a “B plus” rating to our current rating “BB minus.” This is a technical term and it means that we are in the same category as the member countries of the EU: Latvia and Romania; Turkey has a “BB” rating category as well as the candidates of EU membership – Montenegro and Serbia. The increase in this indicator is based on two things: a Macroeconomic situation and political stability” – stated the President of Georgia and added that Georgia has practically achieved the unachievable.

Mikheil Saakashvili also focused attention on the government action plan and noted: “according to the published report, the development of energy and tourism sectors and the sustainable influx of investments may result in the betterment of the sovereign credit rating of Georgia, which will turn Georgia into one of the most important world economic centers in terms of economy, culture and politics.

The Head of State also commented on the statement of the President of Russia, according to which, Russia started the war with Georgia in 2008 only because it did not want to let NATO expand near its south border. According to the President of Georgia, Georgia’s integration in NATO is a desire of the Georgian nation and not the ultimate goal of the government.

“A desire to part of the strong union, which provides long term development of Georgia, unification of our country, inviolability of our borders, and a secure future for the Georgian people” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

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