

2/2/2012 The President of Georgia decorated the Georgian soldier wounded in Afghanistan with the Order of Vakhtang Gorgasali The President visited the military hospital of Bethesda, Maryland. He decorated the Georgian soldier, Lieutenant Colonel Alexandre Tugushi with the first degree Order of Vakhtang Gorgasali for his honest service, high professionalism, bravery, and fulfilling his knightly obligation during a peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan
2/2/2012 Remarks by the President of Georgia at Georgetown University It’s my belated but longstanding dream to find myself among these venerable halls.
2/2/2012 The President of Georgia held meetings at the both chambers of the United States Congress The President of Georgia held meetings at the both chambers of the United States Congress with the Republican and Democratic leadership. Mikheil Saakashvili met with Richard Durbin, Jon Kyl as well as the Speaker of the House – John Boehner.
2/2/2012 The President of Georgia met with General David Patraeus Mikheil Saakashvili and David Patraeus discussed a wide range of issues and current events.
2/1/2012 The President of Georgia held meetings with American lawmakers The President of Georgia held several meetings with the representatives of the highest legislature of the United States within the scope of his official visit to the country.
2/1/2012 The Day After:
President Mikheil Saakashvili on Post-Revolutionary Societies &
What Comes After the Arab Spring
Mikheil Saakashvili will draw on Georgia's democratic transformation to explore the common challenges and opportunities that post-revolutionary societies face.
2/1/2012 Remarks With Georgia President Mikheil Saakashvili Preceding Bilateral Meeting It’s a pleasure to welcome the president of Georgia here to the State Department.
1/31/2012 The President of Georgia met with US Senators The President of Georgia held a meeting with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee including the Head of the Committee – John Kerry, Senators Richard Lugar, Ben Cardin, Tom Udall, and Jeanne Shaheen. The main topic of discussion was deepening cooperation between Georgia and the United States, including security and economy.
1/31/2012 Mikheil Saakashvili attended a book presentation at the World Bank building
The President of Georgia attended a presentation of the book which is related to the reforms and anti-corruption measures administered in Georgia since the “Rose Revolution”, at the World Bank building. Mikheil Saakashvili addressed the audience and answered their questions.
1/30/2012 The President of Georgia assessed the meeting with an American colleague First of all, I would like to note that I have held meetings at the Oval Office before and all of them were good, but I have never left this room loaded with so many specific results; especially at a moment when this is very important for Georgia.
1/30/2012 Remarks by President Obama and President Saakashvili of Georgia after Bilateral Meeting PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, I want to welcome President Saakashvili and his delegation here,
1/29/2012 The President of Georgia held a meeting with Daniel Yohannes in Washington The President of Georgia met with the Executive Director of the Millennium Challenge Corporation – Daniel Yohannes within the scope of the official visit to the United States
1/29/2012 The President of Georgia congratulated Elenge Gedevanishvili on her success The President of Georgia commented on the fact that a Georgian skater – Elene Gedevanishvili achieved success at the European Championship and took third place, receiving a Bronze medal. Mikheil Saakashvili spoke with the Georgian skater on the phone and personally congratulated her on such an important victory.
1/29/2012 The President of Georgia participated in the Summit Basecamp We are incredibly privileged to have the President of Georgia here with us. He is one of the youngest democratically elected leaders in the history of world. He has done an incredible job in improving the economy of Georgia. He has cleaned up the police force and initiated many other social reforms. He has had a tremendous impact on the country. Please everyone give a very, very warm welcome to President Saakashvili.
1/29/2012 Mikheil Saakashvili participated in the working of Summit Basecamp The visit of the President of Georgia to the United States has begun. Mikheil Saakashvili participated in the working of Summit Basecamp, where he was specially invited.
1/25/2012 Statement by the Administration of the President of Georgia The Administration of the President of Georgia responded to yesterday’s statement by the President of Russia, related to restoring diplomatic relations with Georgia.
1/25/2012 The President of Georgia has left for his official visit to The United States The Presidents of Georgia and the United States will hold an official meeting at the Oval Office of the White House on January 30th.
1/24/2012 Traditional briefing of the Press Speaker of the President of Georgia
The President’s Press Speaker held the first traditional press briefing of 2012 and talked about the most important issues.
1/22/2012 The President of Georgia visited newborns at the Lagodekhi clinic The President of Georgia visited the “Archimedes” clinic in Lagodekhi, where 10 babies were born in the last 24 hours.
2013 (30)
2012 (42)
2011 (49)
2010 (32)
2009 (26)
2008 (27)
2007 (31)
2006 (25)
2005 (32)
2004 (4)