

The President of Georgia met the majority members of the Parliament

I welcome everyone.

First of all, as we have not met up until now, I would like to report to you on the visit to the United States of America.

I think it was a very remarkable visit in many respects.

To begin with, the level of our official welcoming was very high from the U.S. Administration as well as from the U.S. Congress; it was also important in terms of their positive attitude and the media interest.

Based on the outcomes of this visit, the main point was the strengthening of the international position of Georgia, in general, and we have had a strategic breakthrough with regard to the United States.

We have received concrete results, not to mention reaching the principal agreement on financing of the Batumi Technological University and a decision to invest American money in the modernization of Georgian schools.

The founding of the Batumi Technological University had been several years in planning by me and Nika Gilauri, materialization of which has begun and the construction is already underway as well.

Two issues have been singled out during this visit.

One – the discussion has begun on the free trade agreement. A group will arrive in Tbilisi in the coming weeks and we will create a format between the governments on a high level for the preparation and discussion of this agreement.

This certainly is a several year long process, but for me this is a message of utmost importance in the sense that new investments and significant sources of financing will emerge in the Georgian economy in the coming months and years.

Neither from our region, nor from Europe does anyone have a similar agreement with the world’s largest market and largest economy.

The second issue is that for the first time, in the history the United States, it has been stated that they will assist Georgia in terms of defense.

This, of course is a continuous process throughout years, but these two directions for Georgia are truly a strategic breakthrough.

I think, in parallel to what is happening with respect to the European Union in terms of the integration process, these decisions are indeed very important.

I would also like to say that there is a very good attitude among the political scientists, public circles, administrative circles, and etc.

This is what I wanted to share with you about the visit to the United States of America.  

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