

The President of Georgia expressed deep sorrow regarding the death of Georgian soldiers in Afghanistan

The President of Georgia expressed deep sorrow regarding the death of Georgian soldiers: Corporal Valiko Beraia, Corporal Ruslan Meladze and Corporal Paata Kacharava in Afghanistan. All three soldiers have died as a result of an explosion of a military vehicle while carrying out a mission, as a result of a clash with insurgent Talibs.

Mikheil Saakashvili extends his condolences to the families of the deceased soldiers and sympathizes with their families and comrades in arms:

“Very tragic news has reached me from Afghanistan regarding the death of our guys. This is a very tough hit for me since I was with them a couple days ago. I saw with my own eyes what kind of bravery, self-sacrifice and spirit they fight with while carrying out tough missions. Our guys go to Afghanistan while fully comprehending the risks and they serve with pride, because they are fighting under a five cross flag, first of all to defend the interest of Georgia. I was telling them during the meeting that their sacrifice is valued by today’s generation and the future generations will value it even more since they will live in a unified, much stronger, relieved and successful country. This will be the merit of you – our fighters, who shed blood for a better future for Georgia. Each one of our soldiers in Afghanistan is risking their lives to get the experience, which is a prerequisite of strengthening our country. I bow before the memory of our young men, extend my condolences to their families, and stress that I am proud that our country has always had, has today, and will always have guys as devoted as they have been.”

The Georgian military servicemen served in the 31st Light Infantry Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Brigade in the province of Helmand within the NATO-led ISAF operation.

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