

The President of Georgia hosted a delegation from the Senate of France

The President of Georgia hosted a delegation from the Senate of France which is visiting Georgia on a working trip. The main purpose of their trip to Georgia is to get familiar with reforms in the defense, economy and other spheres. The successfully implemented reforms in Georgia and their results were the most important topics of discussion during the meeting. French Senators will visit the occupation line, the refugee living quarters in Tserovani. The guests will also visit Rustavi, where they will tour the Public Service Hall and the Police Department.

There are also meetings planned at the highest legislature of the country, Ministries of Defense, Foreign Affairs, and Internal Affairs within the scope of the visit.

The French delegation is headed by the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces Committee member Jean-Marie Bockel. A member of the same committee, Jean-Mark Pastor; a member of the Senate Culture and Education Committee, Sylvie Goi-Chavent; and a member of Social Affairs Committee, Marie-Therese Bruguiere; are also visiting Georgia with the Senate Delegation.

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