

The President of Georgia addressed the population in Chuberi

Welcome everyone – the residents of Chuberi, as well as those from Khaishi.

You hear it often on TV today: an impressive event was held…the historic construction has started…

These are ordinary events and ordinary constructions most of the time, but today it really is a grandiose event, which is the beginning of a yet another historic construction for Svaneti and all of Georgia.

Since the Enguri Dam, there has never been a dam built of this capacity in the territory of Georgia, in the independent Georgia.  4-5 years ago a dam of this volume could not have even been dreamed of.

We are indeed witnessing a truly great event today together with our Chinese partners. 90 percent of the people employed here will be citizens of Georgia and local residents.

This is a very principal issue, as we have to learn the use of new technologies, receive qualification in similar specialties and learn to manage construction more efficiently.

The 210 megawatt output dam will be built here in 5 years and once it becomes operational the hydro electrical output in Georgia will at least double.

The total output of our dams today is 1800 megawatt, which will increase by another 2300 megawatts.

Basically, with the tunnel here the two rivers will change their course; there will be a great dam built, 1000 local residents will be employed here.  Basically, everyone who can work will be able to work here.

The talk about unemployment in these gorges should end once and for all.  

It is all very important, but the main thing is that the energy produced by these dams will increase manufacturing, business and the economy and the rest of Georgia will see a boost as well.

This is the first dam which will produce our energy in winter.

Had the Rose Revolution not taken place, we would have been in complete darkness today.

Had the previous government continued to rule the country, we would not even have the electricity that we used to have.

Just as we came into power in 2004, we changed the gas turbine, so that the energy sector of Georgia would not stop.

I have heard it often: why are they making such a big deal out of electricity? We are not, I am just saying: had the Rose Revolution not taken place, there would be no electricity and yet another generation of children would grow up in complete darkness in the direct and indirect sense of this word. We have a different problem now. In contrast to other years, the Georgian economy is already developing so fast that (the economic growth was 7 percent last year, we expect about 9 percent this year, while starting from next year it will steadily be 10 percent) if we do not build several dams by 2015 we will again have shortage of electricity. 

The consumption of electricity is increasing and not because the population has lit up their apartments, but because the factories have been launched, new businesses and logistics centers are being created.

This means that people are finding jobs.

The water operates the turbines; turbines operate the whole economy, while the economy is the key for the country to stand on its feet. 

That is why it is an unbelievably significant event.

Yet, this is not the main event this year, as we are starting the construction of a much greater hydro electrical station in Namakhvani in two months.

The power of the Nenskra and Namakhvan Dams together, considering that it enhances the power of Enguri as well, will equal the power of the Enguri Dam.

In other words, it appears that the independent Georgia is able to build.

We have gotten the taste of independence and this is very important, as our occupant fears the most that the Georgian people have done everything on their own, this means that it will no longer be our suzerain.

Apparently, we can do things as well, that is why we have to acquire these technologies and build ourselves.

We are already making new labs for the existing faculties at the technical university.

Just as our friends are coming and helping us to build it, we have to go abroad and help others and build objects.

In fact, the foreign companies that have employed Georgians, for instance, on the construction of the Paravan Dam, are using their resources today on the construction of different hydro electrical stations on several continents.

Energy is the back bone of Georgia’s success and independence.

If we were still dependent on someone in terms of energy, as in 2005, when all the gas pipelines and electric transmitters were shut down and they left us in darkness, we would have to give up on the independence of Georgia.

Apart from the 90 percent of European countries, regrettably, that are in this situation and permanently face social problems, Georgia has one of the most reliable gas supplies in the world and its own source of hydro energy, i.e. the source of its independence.

We should also add to this that there is no longer corruption in Georgia and our people will not let it ever return.

Based on the study of the world financial corporation, The World Bank, only 0.1 percent of the Georgian and foreign companies operating in Georgia note that they have come across corruption. To tell the truth, I personally think that they are wrong, even if it were 0.1 percent, we will still eradicate it.

0.1 percent is the lowest figure in the world today, but we will by no means relax our work.

Our will is for our people to live very well in a few years and to solve the problem of unemployment once and for all.

For this we need qualified specialists, technical schools, technological universities and readiness to do everything ourselves, to leave the hunger for electricity in the past once and for all, to leave the hopelessness and the fear of tomorrow in the past once and for all.

This is precisely what is being founded here today.

I would like to thank the Georgian Railway, namely its manager Irakli Ezugbaia, who is one of the drivers of all of this, as well the Ministry of Energy and our energy specialists, everyone who has taken part in the negotiations.

You saw that the construction of a large center named “Trump Tower” is being launched in Batumi, there are also many other things being done. Of course, there are problems in Batumi, but it is already a new city.

Somebody might say that we only care about building hotels and similar centers, but the significance of the scale of today’s construction is much greater than that of any other.

Even the 10 person business undertaking delights me personally, as it means 10 well-off families.

Today’s events are like the ones which can occur once or twice throughout the entire generation, but I am ready to open small 10 person enterprises every day, which will be a great event in the lives of the families of these 10 people.   

The government of Georgia is in the service of business in Georgia, i.e. in the service of prosperity for our people and a better future for our children.

I will now sign the document on the launch of a new construction with great pleasure and the bulldozers and tractors will blaze here.

I love Svaneti very much – Svaneti is the richest part of Georgia, which has enormous resources.

 First and foremost, the greatest resources of Svaneti are the people here, but afterwards, of course is everything else.

Thank you very much.  

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