

The President of Georgia opened a new hotel in Akhaltsikhe

The President of Georgia opened a new hotel “Lomsia”, built by the “Wissol Group.” Mikheil Saakashvili toured the building and spoke to its personnel. The managers of the company invited a French specialist Jean Pierre Richetone, who has 35 years of experience in managing hotel networks in Western Europe.

“Some say that everything is being built for foreigners, but these persons are not aliens. They work here. What kind of employment prospects did Akhaltsikhe have? We have just restored the Castle which was followed by various other activities. Look how many people are gathered down there and how happy they are. The current Akhaltsikhe is a micro model of Georgia. This is a brilliant example of what is being done in our country. It is true that people still have low means, but the society knows exactly that a prospect has already appeared. It will be very easy to develop tourism here because the local people are very organized, smart and interesting” - stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

“Wissol Group” invested several million GEL in the hotel project. The “Lomsia” hotel has 63 rooms and can accommodate 150 guests, and it has several restaurants. The project of the hotel was designed by a German architect Manfred Ronschtedt, and a Georgian architect Tengiz Kvantaliani. Up to 60 local residents, who have gone through special training, are employed at the hotel.

Mikheil Saakashvili also toured a newly opened supermarket “Smart”, where local agricultural products are being sold. 


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