

The President opened a Public Service Hall in Akhaltsikhe

The President of Georgia opened a Public Service Hall in Akhaltsikhe with the Deputy Minister of Justice Giorgi Vashadze and the Chairwoman of the Latvian Saeima Solvita Aboltina, who is currently in Akhaltsike with her family on a private trip. Mikheil Saakashvili personally familiarized her with services that the Public Service Hall offers.

“You know this is a relatively small building compared to the one we are constructing in Tbilisi. The Public Service Hall, of around 35 thousand square meters, will be able to serve 25 thousand persons. This is a lot more than merely an integrated Public Service Hall. We have switched to a one window principle in terms of service. Hillary Clinton has widened this vision, and we decided to look at it from a different angle. We are now trying to make every state building like this.” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

The Head of the Latvian Saeima expressed her position in her turn, and noted that the Government of Georgia is doing everything for the people. According to her, this is very valuable.

“I arrived in Georgia on my first official visit in February and a lot has been done here in the last 6 months. Latvia was always a friend of Georgia and we value everything Georgia is doing. We have always supported Georgia and will continue our support in the future as well. The fact that new houses are being opened and castles restored shows that people are taken care of in Georgia” – noted Solvita Aboltina.

Polish guests also attended the opening of the Public Service Hall.

The President of Georgia addressed the population gathered at the new Public Service Hall, and firstly recalled the time period of August war in 2008. According to him, the aggression, the author of which has finally admitted that it was a preplanned deliberate act was a direct answer to the rise and reforms implemented in Georgia since the Rose Revolution. According to him, Georgia will go against any kind of aggression and war with more construction, more development, and the creation of democratic society and this will continue until the country finally stands up. Mikheil Saakashvili stated that Akhaltsikhe is a symbol of this rise. The Head of State noted that Akhaltsikhe is returning its historic function as an important center, which will give the local population new opportunities and the means of raising the quality of life.

While talking about the war in August 2008, Mikheil Saakashvili stated that the support of the international community, which it has expressed in order to stop the Russian aggression, was very important. According to him, a lot of disinformation was being broadcasted by Russian TV channels, but Europe has protected Georgia from it. He also focused attention on the support of the Latvian and Polish people, the representatives of whom attended the opening of the Public Service Hall in Akhaltsikhe.

The newly opened Public Service Hall is the 7th in a row countrywide. The Regional Prosecutor’s Office, Public and Civil Registry, Executive Bureau, and the Agency of Wildlife Management of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources are also integrated in the Public Service Hall. The project cost 3.5 million GEL and it employed 85 persons.


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