

The President of Georgia: Our Didgori still lies ahead of us!

Welcome everyone!

Look, how many of us there are on this field!

We are numerous again here today.

We are as steadfast, as united, as unyielding as the army of Georgia has been historically, determined towards the same advancement and by no means towards retreat.  

There is 5 depicted on many of your hats, and Didgori represents 5 main principles for me, which for Georgia remains as topical today as ever before.

The first principle – it is our unity. David the Builder had taken over a country, which did not even have a name. Georgia was divided into different entities.

The word “Georgian” applied to each resident of Georgia, indiscriminate of ethnic and religious belonging, during David the Builder’s time. He welded this country into one fist and that is why he was successful.

Unity before a threat, unity before challenges, and unity in this contemporary world is one of the chief things for this small, but a great nation, which David and Didgori teach us. 

That is why unity is the first principle of these five.

David’s second principle is the love of freedom and determination. 

Many nations have evaded from the earth’s surface because they hesitated, because they did not know what they wanted. This is what the enemy is calling upon for us too.

Our enemy calls upon us towards uncertainty.

The subordinates of our enemy in Georgia and those people who are geared in their course, call upon us to sow uncertainty with regard to the right or wrong dispute in the 2008 War, with regard to choosing the way forward for Georgia (whether we want to join NATO and the EU). I would like to remind everyone that here on this field, the NATO of that time – the crusaders - had stood beside us, which together with us protected our freedom under the 5-cross flag.

Thus, determination and the clear vision of a goal, not a single second retreat from the idea of freedom – these are the ideas towards the fulfillment of which our predecessors had called upon us. This is the very idea of Didgori and the second most important task out of this five, which we all are to protect.    

The third principle of Didgori and David the Builder, my dear ones, is reconstruction, reconstruction and more reconstruction. The enemy had attacked us in 2008 not because it did not like what any of us had said, but because Georgia has managed to create a modern, real statehood in Caucasus, assembled an organized state apparatus for the first time in centuries and it became the biggest challenge, the biggest problem for our enemy.

It is used to ruling over the nations in this space not so much through force, but through stirring them against each other, inciting one group against the other, a nation against the other, while always remaining victorious itself.

With the principle of “Divide and Rule” it always ruled this huge space, including the Caucasus. By the principle of “Divide and Rule” they invited the North Caucasians in Abkhazia in the 90s; it was with this principle that they disturbed the situation in the Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions, but even after all of this, Georgia managed to assemble a modern state apparatus, which the whole region admires, including the population of our conqueror. It is already known across the world.

It was precisely because of this that they intervened here and their aggression was the response to our reconstruction. Our response to their aggression will be a huge reconstruction, the kind which has never taken place in our history.

My friends, no matter how much they bug us, it is a fact – there has never been so much built in Georgia as has been built during the last several years since the “Rose Revolution”.

There has never been the scale of reconstruction in Georgia since David the Builder, as in our epoch.

The forth most important principle is reforms.

We should take these reforms all the way and we will achieve victory by all means!

The fifth principle – it is victory at any price!

No matter how many Lipart Baghvash’s they send us, that many Davids will be born!

No matter how many Shulaver’s Committees they invent, that many Didgoris will be created.

Our Didgori is still ahead of us!

We will surely complete this job, we will surely prevail, we will surely unite Georgia and we will surely have a prosperous future!


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