

Traditional briefing of the Spokesperson for the President of Georgia

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia first congratulated the journalists on the international Day of Pres and noted that it is a very important profession that has some type of ties with every single person around the world. 

Manana Manjgaladze started her briefing with the issue of the liquidation of world-number-one terrorist and briefed her colleagues the evaluation made by the President of Georgia.

"On this historic day of victory we remember the victims of 9/11 and other terrorist attacks, which have cost thousands of innocent lives. The successful operation conducted by the United States that killed Osama bin Laden - the leader of Al-Qaeda - is an important step forward in the fight against terrorism worldwide. However, despite this big victory, the fight continues and we believe that there is no alternative but for the justice to reign.

This date marks a major victory of the American people, and the U.S. leadership. This once again proves the strength and resilience of the United States as a nation in global affairs and particularly in the fight against terror.

Georgia, as one of the contributors to the international security strongly supports the efforts undertaken by the United States in this fight", Manana Manjgaladze stated.

The Spokesperson discussed the upcoming visits and noted that the official visit of the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė to Tbilisi. As she said traditional relations established between Georgian and Lithuania continues.

"We remember very well the support they had provided in the nearest history of Georgia - during the hardest minutes and days for our country. This is why it is a special honor for us that Tbilisi hosts the President of Lithuania today. Two Presidents will discuss the issues of bilateral relations. Among them they will touch political, trade and economic issues and sure they will discuss the issue of security within the region", the Spokesperson noted. Besides this, she noted that several more visits are planned in the beginning of May. By the end of this week the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis and later the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic Karel Schwarzenberg will visit Tbilisi as well. Meetings with the President of Georgia are on agenda.

Manana Manjgaladze recalled a great friend and supporter of Georgia Ronald Asmus, who passed away after long period of illness.

"Ronald Asmus is one of those persons, who told the truth to the world regarding the war in 2008. This person for me is familiar as an author of a book "A Little War that shook the World". I want to express condolences on the behalf of the President of Georgia and Georgian nation", Manana Manjgaladze stated.

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