

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held a briefing related to the ongoing issues


"The President of Georgia expresses his gratitude towards Georgian rugby-players for this big joy, congratulates them and wishes them great success", - the Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze started her briefing with the victory of Georgian rugby team and congratulated the Georgian population with their victory on behalf of the President of Georgia.

Manana Manjgalazde stressed her attention on Samegrelo and Imerety regions, damaged by the natural disaster and noted that Mikheil Saakashvili gave special tasks in order to abolish the results of the natural disaster. She expressed condolences on the behalf of the President of Georgia to the families of people, who died during the natural disaster. Mikheil Saakashvili tasked the Governors of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti and Imereti, the Ministries of Environmental Protection and Infrastructure to calculate damage costs and accordingly the assistance and liquidation of the damage. Restoration works must start in shortest time possible in order the villages to return to the ordinary rhythm of life.

Manana Manjgaladze at the same time noted that tasks given to the Governor of Shida Kartli and the Minister of Environment on fulfillment of social programs to provide the population on the occupied territories with firewood, running water and other products were partially satisfied and some works are still going on. The major part of the population was already assisted in certain ways.

"Firewood and wheat flour was already brought in 20 villages within the zones of conflict (Gori, Kareli ad Kaspi border-villages). Five thousand families will receive 5 thousand 500 tones of flour and 10 thousand cubic meters of firewood. Negotiations are in the process on providing the population with irrigation water. Several social projects will be carried out in these villages as well. The Government realizes that these are not regular living problems and that these villages are not ordinary villages with ordinary rhythm of life. The population here lives in special conditions and they need special attention as well", the Spokesperson noted. 

Manana Manjgaladze noted that the President of Georgia responded to the results of the social survey published last week in Georgia.

"All surveys once again proved that the trust of Georgian population to the Government of Georgia is rather high. Several points must be pointed out - the population first of all expresses its credibility to the course chosen by the country. 62 percent expressed their trust to the Government of Georgia. The majority of the population - 74 percent supports Georgia's Euro-Atlantic aspirations. This is pretty high indicator, especially before the Lisbon Summit. But I want to explain that the Government stands far from the illusions and realizes that series of problems are still ahead and needs to be solved, the survey showed us this as well. 

First of all, the Government is focused on these very challenges -  still there are problems in the social sector, health, the main objective and the main challenge is the issue of employment. These data once more shall remind the Government that high level of trust shall be based on the huge responsibility to the nation and the country" -  Manana Manjgaladze stated.      

The President once again states his support to the initiatives expressed for the democratic development. Namely the President of Georgia once again expresses his support the initiative of the Chairman of the Parliament that concerns the transparency of the Media. Mikheil Saakashvili greets this undertaking as well as any other action or step made towards the democratic development.  

The Code of Elections became rather topical problem; the legislative body shall start working on this issue in the nearest future. Representatives of opposition as well as partners are interested in this issue.     

"It is to be mentioned that talking about the Code of Elections became more active after the amendments were made to the Constitution. The President confirms his support and deems this process to be going on without any pre-conditions and ultimatums. From this point of view, the President greets the initiative of the  Chairman of the Parliament concerning consultations, expresses hope that this process will start in the nearest future and all the interested persons or subjects will take part in this process", - she said.  

The Spokesperson paid attention to the outcomes of the economical diplomacy that were result of the visits during the last week. The process is going on this week too. Namely it is about the President's visit to Morocco, where he attended the Economical Forum and had meetings with the representatives of business. The visit of the Prime-Minister to China and India was also important.    

"The Government actively works on the deepening of economical cooperation and attracting of new investments, so the economical diplomacy continues to work. China and India - this is the new area for business and area of big interest four our country.   Meetings in Morocco, China and India are connected with additional, new investments and this is directly connected with new jobs. I shall add that cooperation is rather diverse and is not limited with the United States and Europe. The countries of growing economy like China and India show their interest in our country", - Manana Manjgaladze stated.

According to the statement of the Spokesperson, November will be rather loaded and interesting. Big and important project will be completed in several days. Commissioning of Ninotsminda-Tsalka 223 kilometer long highway will take place. The highway will start from village Teleti, through Tsalka to the Ninotsminda-Armenia border, from Akhalkalaki through Kartsakhi to the border with Turkey.  The total cost of the Project is 203 million USD. The construction started in the spring 2008. The construction of 15 new bridges was performed within the Project. More than 2 300 people are employed on the construction. Out of these, 70 % are local inhabitants.

Manana Manjgaladze spoke about one more project, opening of the Tourist-Scientific Center of Sataplia.

"The Center shall receive tourists and interested people from the end of November. Instead of the ruined and destroyed infrastructure, the visitors will find the hotel, museum, visitor's center, cleaned cave and the new, contemporary system of lighting in Sataplia. The new paths are made, amphitheatre is constructed, the dinosaur trace is conserved, and roads to Sataplia are fully recovered. The rehabilitation works lasted for five month and about 200 people were employed here. After commissioning the Center, about 50 people will have permanent jobs. So by the end of November there will be one more renewed and modified tourist center on the tourist map of Georgia", - the Spokesperson for the President stated.     

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