

The President of Georgia met with Georgian soldiers in Afghanistan

The President of Georgia met with Georgian soldiers participating in the ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. The Commander in Chief gave a speech while congratulating them on the New Year. As the Head of State noted, participation of Georgian soldiers in the Afghan mission has historic importance. The President also recalled the words of General Patreus, who spoke about the bravery and professionalism of Georgian troops.

“Georgian soldiers have special bravery, which distinguishes them from any other military servants”

The Head of State decorated 11 soldiers with the Medal of Honor for high professionalism, bravery, and honestly serving their knightly duties.

Mikheil Saakashvili also spoke about the new initiative in Afghanistan, based on which in a case that a soldier is killed during the mission his family will have a permanent pension in addition to the compensation.

“I am going to send legislation to the Parliament regarding this issue, so that family members of each killed soldier have a pension for the rest of their lives. Additionally, each soldier must have a special salary and pension after serving in Afghanistan” – stated the President of Georgia.

The President of Georgia arrived in the Helmand Province with members of the Georgian Parliament.

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