

President of Georgia: Zurab Zhvania was a big politician. Why is his brother a big politician?

The President of Georgia replied to Bidzina Ivanishvili’s statement regarding “mythological” criminal cases. As the Head of State noted, Bidzina Ivanishvili stands side by side Giorgi Zhvania so that he could use Zurab Zhvania’s case for his advantage.

“I heard Prime Minister Ivanishvili’s attacks on me regarding some mythological forged criminal cases. For a long time I abstained from describing Prime Minister Ivanishvili because this government is elected by the Georgian people and we must respect this choice…Georgian people are learning on experience. Our society voted for them because of poverty and problems with a hope that this government would improve something. If anybody needed rumors they would elect editor in chief of “Asaval-dasavali” as Prime Minister and President as well…Don’t you realize why Zhvania’s story is in the spotlight right before elections? How is it possible that every oligarch has Giorgi Zhvania beside him? Patarkatsishvili had him side by side and Ivanishvili wrote his name in the Parliamentary list. Why is Zhvania’s brother a big politician? Zurab Zhvania was a great politician and who is his brother?! – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

According to his assessment, the person who tricked the entire country into voting for him before the parliamentary elections is trying to keep in power by putting Zurab Zhvania’s story in the spotlight.

“You can think of one topic today, another one tomorrow, the day after and etc. The fact is that Georgia was being built. In the end the Georgian people will ask a question – why did you stop construction?” – added he.

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