

The President of Georgia met with the Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament



The President of Georgia met with Joseph Daul - the People’s Party Group Chairman at the European Parliament in Brussels. Ongoing democratic processes in Georgia were the main topic of discussion during the meeting. Mikheil Saakashvili and Joseph Daul discussed democratic processes in Georgia including the peaceful transfer of power. Additionally, the discussion touched on the Euro Atlantic aspirations of the country. As the Chairman of the EPP Group noted, he supports Georgia’s integration in the Euro Atlantic structures.

Mikheil Saakashvili made a comment for journalists after meeting with Joseph Daul. He spoke about the progress reached by the country as a result of elections and in terms of democratically transferring power. According to him, progress of Georgia should also be in the interest of the new government because this achievement will accelerate Georgia’s integration in the Euro Atlantic structures. Mikheil Saakashvili focused attention on the necessity of joint work with the government. The Head of State called on everyone to use the democratic transfer of power because it is an additional motivation for integration in the European structures, and it will accordingly be shown at the Vilnius Eastern Partnership Summit. The President stated that it is in everyone’s interest to integrate in the European and Euro Atlantic structures, and intensive work is necessary for this like never before.

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