

2/3/2006 Remarks by President Saakashvili at the dinner dedicated to the 42nd international conference in Munich Good evening ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, heads of government, and visiting delegations.This is my first time attending the Munich Security Conference, and on behalf of my delegation, I would like to thank the hosts for honoring me with thi...
2/2/2006 President Saakashvili meets Georgian diplomatic corps to Europe President Mikheil Saakashvili is paying a five-day working visit to Germany.On February 1 President Mikheil Saakashvili met with the Georgian authorized ambassadors to Europe and discussed Georgia-Russia relationship.While talking with the ambassadors Pre...
2/2/2006 President Mikheil Saakashvili holds official meetings in Berlin Visiting President Mikheil Saakashvili held several official meetings in Berlin. He met with the Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany Professor Horst Kohler and the Federal Foreign and Defence Ministers and discussed Georgia's integration ...
2/1/2006 President Saakashvili opens flour mill plant in Kachreti Today President Mikheil Saakashvili visited Kachreti, in Kakheti region and opened a flour mill plant there which will process over 250 tons of wheat every day.In an interview with the journalists President Saakashvili commented on the yesterday's stateme...
2/1/2006 President Saakashvili to leave for Germany On February 1 President Mikheil Saakashvili will pay five-day working visit to Germany to attend 42nd international conference in Munich. On February 1 President Saakashvili is scheduled to meet with the Georgian ambassadors to Europe.On February 2 Presid...
1/30/2006 Telephone conversation between President Saakashvili and Secretary Rice On January 29, late in the evening, a telephone conversation took place between the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. President Saakashvili and Secretary Rice focused on Georgia's energy security issu...
1/30/2006 President says Georgia emerging stronger from energy crisis I would like to welcome you all from a city of light and tell you that the energy situation is gradually returning to normal, the most important thing that has happened in recent days. Georgia is now, seven days later, stronger than before. Our people and...
1/27/2006 President Saakashvili talks on energy supply issues Welcome!Minister of Energy of Georgia has been holding negotiations with the government of Iran these days. We have achieved an agreement with Iran on the supply of natural gas. We will start receiving gas from Sunday but it will be enough only to satisfy...
1/26/2006 President Saakashvili addresses nation amid energy crisis I had to halt my very important visit to Switzerland where I was scheduled to hold impotent meetings with the government leaders and influential politicians. I believe that I should be with my people when they need me most. Before coming back to Georgia I...
1/25/2006 President Saakashvili opens free canteen President Mikheil Saakashvili opened one more canteen for the poor on 11 Leonidze street today, which will serve over 500 poor people every day.At the opening ceremony President Saakashvili commented on the blown up gas pipeline, demanded involvement of G...
1/24/2006 Joint press conference by President Saakashvili and the Swedish Prime Minister President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili: Welcome! Georgia suffers great problems today; however, today's visit by the Prime Minister of Sweden, Gran Persson, to Georgia is a great honor for us. At this time, I would like to mention that two years ago, th...
1/23/2006 President Saakashvili visits orphanage in Avlabari Today President Mikheil Saakashvili visited orphanage in Avlabari to check if they had heating problems.President Saakashvili dined with the children there and promised his help. Communications Officeof the President of Georgia...
1/23/2006 President Saakashvili opens new thermoelectric power stations in Gardabani Welcome! Today is a historic day. Since independence we are opening the first big power plant in Georgia today. After independence Georgian energy system was in crisis, absolutely ruined and robbed. Georgia was in total blackout. After the Rose Revolution...
1/22/2006 President Saakashvili promises help to orphanage Due to an explosion on the gas pipeline President Saakashvili on January 22 visited an orphanage in Gldani district.Administration of the orphanage said that the building had been heated by means of natural gas and after the supply was cut off they would ...
1/22/2006 Statement by the Office of the President of Georgia on gas interruption The president of Georgia deplores the acts of sabotage that took place earlier today on the territory of the Russian federation, simultaneously interrupting gas and electricity supplies to Georgia.While the acts remain under investigation, several circums...
1/22/2006 Emergency statement by President Saakashvili A major act of sabotage against our country's energy system has been committed by the Russian Federation. Early this morning the three main arteries supplying Georgia with energy were simultaneously cut off. These were the two [gas] pipelines on Russian t...
1/22/2006 Remarks by President Saakashvili at the Security Council meeting What has happened today is the scenario by which we have been menaced for a long time. We have been preparing for this situation. This was a catastrophic scenario, which they could easily accomplish - simultaneously disrupting energy and gas supplies. If ...
1/22/2006 President Saakashvil’s comments on pipeline explosion to BBC news Unfortunately it looks like Georgia is experiencing a similar energy crisis to that which took place in Ukraine a few weeks ago. What I mean is that Russia remains our unreliable and unpredictable provider of energy. What happened here was, we had explosi...
1/20/2006 Address by President Saakashvili at the Institute of Manuscripts Welcome, everybody!Institute of Manuscripts is of scientific and cultural importance for Georgia. Korneli Kekelidze State Institute of Manuscripts is a unique scientific organization, where the main treasure of the Georgian nation is stored and by which w...
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