

President Saakashvili demands to expedite science reform

Today President Mikheil Saakashvili met with the Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Lomaia to discuss the reform of the scientific and research institutes in Georgia. President Saakashvili said that reforming this sphere has to be expedited and once and for all an end should be put to the state of uncertainty occupying the people employed in this sphere. 
"Establishing these institutes has to be expedited and all the competitions should be finished by the end of May so that the employees of the scientific and research institutes could receive salary of minimum 115 lari or even much more. Financing research papers has to increase. We have earmarked money for that and in case of necessarily we will earmark more. The competition should be merit-based and fair, not a single person should be oppressed, not a single scientist should be forgotten and not a single research paper should be left without proper attention because this is one of the main prerequisites for the development of our country. We have a pretension that we are the government who pays due attention to both education and science and particularly values the people employed in this sphere. Therefore, this process has to be expedited, I demand this," President Saakashvili said.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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