


Good day,

The government of Georgia is in good form but for several rare exceptions and it is good.

We have begun this day with the camps of reservists not casually.

I was personally pleased to spend several days at a camp of reservists, from which I returned very much impressed. Georgia has got a great group of patriots, who are really the best part of our society. Without any promises in the conditions of a lot of problems people go to the camps of reservists together with their families and pass this tree-week course of training, with what they show their readiness to be useful for their country in case of necessity.

In the camps I have seen very good instructors and Georgian officers, who work at reservists' and self-improvement very well.

It is already another Georgian army and Georgian society.

Our assignment is to increase the number of reservists.

Today we have got fifty thousand more or less well-trained reservists, whom the armed forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have got in their effective sub-units. Switzerland, which is a little bit larger country than ours, has got 400 thousand and Israel more than 500 thousand reservists.

Taking into consideration the danger and risk and also prevention of those complications in order to discourage their initiators it is necessary to double the number of Georgian reservists in the nearest months.

We should have at least hundred thousand reservists, for this purpose a good legal basis is necessary.

My presence at the camps of reservists was very useful.

It is not seen so well from outside, when the President lives in a tent, where there is 45 centigrade degrees of warmth, where you can stand only several days.

The government of Georgia should take it into consideration. It should make such tents and stationary caserns, where it will be cool and people will not have artificial problems.

If you go in a tent for one hour, you are not interested in sanitary conditions, but when you in it for several weeks, you will immediately notice that sanitary conditions and power supply is to be improved.

We have established good conditions for field conditions, but we need to establish a modern standard, approximately like we have in Senaki and even better.

I would like to assign to the Minister of Defense, Prime-Minister and Minister of Finances to work on establishment of camps of reservists of an absolutely new type in the nearest weeks, where there will be the best conditions, taking into consideration world standards.

The obligation and pleasant duty of each person is to have elementary skills to be useful for the country.

From this point of view we should reach the set goal. The second issue is highest Abkhazia.

We should realize, that we do not have much time to establish an infrastructure there.

I do not like the tempo of the process of restoration; we should speed up.

There should be a new infrastructure in Kodori in one month.

We need to build a new small town there, tens of new houses, new airdrome, to organize social infrastructure and transport means.

It cannot be done after October, as it is cold in Kodori, really, to do it, according to the Prime Minister we have got one month.

I would like to assign to the Minister of Defense together with the legitimate government of Abkhazia accept Kodori. Vano Merabishvili should accept and be responsible for such a type of infrastructure there to discourage anybody from any kind of provocation. There should be such kind of infrastructure, which will make people feel, that they are a part of civilized world, there should be such an infrastructure, which would be constructed by Americans, Englishmen and other leading countries.

In case of necessity the airport should be constructed in three weeks and a town in one moth, there is also a precedent of it.

IN month and a half there should be such construction in Kodori, that the rest of Abkhazia would see, what they could not have done for 11 years, the government of Georgia can do in one month in this strategic part of the Abkhazian territory.

It will be a lesson for everybody, including separatists and their patrons. Such type of reconstruction should take place in highest Abkhazia. It is a categorical assignment, for which each of us is responsible.

I would like to emphasize the initiative of the government of Adjara; they have already assembled several cottages and send them to Abkhazia.

The one, who thinks that people in Adjara are engaged only in having rest, is mistaken. Varshalomidze managed to make the best present for Kodori. The square, where these cottages are installed, will be name the Adjara Square.

Everybody should make his square, street and a precedent of successful work in Kodori.

The third issue, which I consider to be important, concerns the holiday season.

The meeting, which we carried out in June, has given its results. It is the first year, when almost each mountainous resort is full with people.

There is no free space in Shovi, Nunisi, Sairme. There are a lot of people in Bakhmaro; there is not also a spare place in Bakuriani. It is a real progress. On the other hand we have not had time to do a lot of things; the sum, which was assigned, should be assimilated, what has not been done everywhere. There should have been illumination, but it has not managed to be done everywhere.

I would like to tell you, that it should be done in August.

It is important the road to Abastumani and Manglisi is being made. We have begun to make a road to Bakhmaro. It is also necessary to make Nunisi, Bazaleti Lake, Sairme, Shovi, Ambrolauri-Oni sector, what will not have time to be done this year.

Our life will not be improved only with highways.

It is important that life is seething everywhere.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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