

11/24/2007 Mikheil Saakashvili: from tomorrow I launch pre-election campaign Welcome! First of all I welcome Georgia's new Prime Minister, renewed cabinet of ministers and our two new ministers. I would like to wish you all the success and express hope that this extremely important, comprehensive, well targeted, realistic program ...
11/22/2007 Address by President Saakashvili to the President of Turkey I would like to welcome our friend, the President of the Republic of Turkey. His visit is not only a formality, but a beginning of very important historic events. We have significant achievements in bilateral relationships. The fact that after the beginni...
11/21/2007 Georgian, Turkish and Azerbaijani Presidents sign document on launching the building of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway line A ceremony to mark the launch of building of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway line took place in the village of Marabda on November 21. President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, and President of the Republic of Turkey Abdull...
11/20/2007 President Saakashvili meets Georgian Sportsmen Today President Mikheil Saakashvili met Georgian sportsmen and claimed that their principle position had greatly contributed to the discharging of the situation. "The development of sport in Georgia is the matter of my own prestige [...] I believe that it...
11/20/2007 President Saakashvili meets group of pensioners and veterans President Mikheil Saakashvili met a group of pensioners and veterans of World War II at the Mayor's Office on November 20 and claimed that as a result of the latest development, the country had lost foreign investments worth of hundred of millions.During ...
11/19/2007 President Saakashvili meets academicians and scientists Today President Mikheil Saakashvili met with Georgian academicians and scientists at the National Museum and claimed that next year financing of the museums, as well as the salaries of the museums' employees will increase three-fold. "People who preserved...
11/19/2007 President Saakashvili meets nominee for Prime Minister Lado Gurgenidze Today President Mikheil Saakashvili met the nominee for Prime Minister, Lado Gurgenidze, at the State Chancellery who presented to the President a new action plan. President Saakashvili gave him instructions and an advice to make emphasis on social progra...
11/18/2007 President Saakashvili visits Vaziani military base Today Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili visited Vaziani military base and together with the Georgian military went in for exercise for several minutes. The Georgian football team with the coach Klaus Toppmller were also visiting the military base. Th...
11/18/2007 President Saakashvili meets OSCE mission head Today President Mikheil Saakashvili met with new head of OSCE mission to Georgia Terhi Hakala at the State Chancellery. At the meeting the President stated that it is extremely important for Georgia that OSCE - the most important European election watchdo...
11/17/2007 President Saakashvili visits Kakheti On November 17 President Mikheil Saakashili visited Sagarajo district of the Kakheti region to meet winemakers and winegrowers and to discuss existing problems and challenges. The President was accompanied by the nominee for Prime Minister, Lado Gurgenidz...
11/16/2007 President Saakashvili comments on lifting of state of emergency Today President Mikheil Saakashvili before leaving for Batumi commented on lifting of state of emergency stating that eight days ago the Georgian government has decided to impose the state of emergency, because there were unrests and violent actions, and ...
11/16/2007 Zurab Noghaideli resigns, new Prime Minister nominated Today Prime Minister Zurab Noghaideli has resigned due to his health concerns. In his address president Mikheil Saakashvili announced that former General Director of the Bank of Georgia Lado Gurgenidze has been nominated for the position of Prime Minister...
11/15/2007 President Saakashvili meets healthcare system representatives Welcome everyone!First of all I would like to thank all of you for coming here. I know you are very busy but it was extremely important to meet with you, whose failed representative I am. I'm from the family of doctors and I am one of those rare exception...
11/14/2007 Georgia’s natural resources belong to its people, President says President Mikheil Saakashvili met with the Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources Davit Chantladze to discuss the issue of supplying citizens with firewood during winter. According to Minister Chantladze 60 per cent of the population is ...
11/13/2007 President Saakashvili meets public school rectors and teachers On November 12, President Saakashvili visited public school 51 to meet with school rectors and teachers. During the meeting the president mainly discussed the latest developments in Georgia stressing that unlike the year of 1991 this time the government, ...
11/13/2007 President Saakashvili attends paraklisis service dedicated to commemoration of 100 000 Georgian martyrs On November 13 the Georgian Orthodox Church marks commemoration of 100 000 Georgian martyrs. Catholicons Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II offered a paraklisis service at the Metechi bridge. The bridge was full of people. The congregation holding flowers, ...
11/10/2007 President Saakashvili meets leading businessmen Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has said that he will lift the state of emergency in effect in the country when he deems it necessary and "not on someone's instruction". He also said of the events of 7 November, where police used force to disperse ...
11/10/2007 Press Release of the Government of Georgia -Presidential Elections Set in Response to Threats to Georgia’s Liberal Democracy On November 7, the Georgian state faced a threat to its constitutional order that compelled the government to declare a state of emergency. Since both this threat and the resulting state of emergency pose a grave danger to liberal democratic values, Presi...
11/9/2007 President Saakashvili's Head of Administration Ekaterina Sharashidze, Briefs Journalists on State of Emergency Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili's Head of Administration, Ekaterina Sharashidze, held a news conference on 9 November in regard to the state of emergency in effect throughout the country. She told journalists that after the Georgian government took...
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