

The President of Georgia met refugees and the veterans of the war of the 90ies

Welcome all of you!

That was my wish to meet the veterans of the battles that took place in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region in the 90ies.

You could not be blamed that Georgia lost control of the majority of these territories.

I know a lot about the wars, I have read much and have seen on the screen, I have met lots of people and I definitely know that Georgian warriors did not lose these battles.

The tragedy was caused by incapability and betrayal.

Individually each of you was far more, that anyone could imagine.

You happened to be the most ignored, humiliated and forgotten generation, because first the political elite lost these wars and then they forgot the heroes of these wars.

When we speak about the program overcoming poverty - our task and one of the components of this program is appreciation of the people like properly, because distinguished people like you are cannot starve, or have no money for medical treatment and basic means of existence.

This is why I have come here together with the Minister of Health.

You are the most active builders of modern Georgia.

Today Georgia is the country that that despite of many problems and turbulent times, still has a lot to be proud of and has much to say!

For the last several months we have been getting ready for the provocations that could follow the declaration of Kosovo independence and its recognition.

Believe me, the only reason that made it clear - the recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia will not happen, it's impossible to even discuss this issue - is that Georgia is already firmly established.

Imagine there are tents laid out in Georgia today (everyone can do it) and functioning of the country is disordered; Imagine that there is the situation of the civil war, chaos and battles and the circumstances of 1991 could once again take place - than in two minutes the separation of these territories would officially be announced.

We could get rid of it all, because Georgia held elections, the democratic process developed, the situation is stable and quiet, and what most important, Georgia is now strong enough to adequately respond to any kind of situation.

We already lead our dialogues with the strongest states in the region in a different manner.

For the last three years running Kokoiti used to say, that in coming weeks their independence would be recognized; Bagabshi started to speak about the same as the decision for Kosovo independence approached.

He says he has exact information, about the recognition of their independence in the nearest future.

Now all these people - Bagapshi, Kokoiti and all separatists failed.

Those forces supporting them, could not even dare to say a word.

This is a great victory of Georgian internal and foreign policy.

You know that we had had negotiations with the government of the Russian Federation earlier. Recently, during my visit of Moscow the Russian authorities agreed that we would jointly control the border and customs near Roki tunnel and the Psou.

We do not exactly know when this can be realized to the end, we neither know technical details, but this is already a step forward.

During the talks with the representatives Russian government they expressed their wish, to finally legalize the border on the Georgian-Russian section on the Psou and the Roki tunnel.

Yesterday I saw disappointed separatists, Mindzaev, a bandit sent in from Moscow (I can say nothing else about this man), that turned to Russians and said - if Russia allows to place Georgians at Roki tunnel, he will fight both against Russia and Georgia.

Those people who sent him to Georgia deserve more rhetoric.

I recalled Basaev, that had been sent to Georgia by Russians and later turned his back to Russia.

Today there is no Basaev but there is Mindzaev.

Cannot we learn on our mistakes and the problems that were created in the past?

The representatives of the separatists came back extremely disappointed from the Geneva talks, because the Georgian delegation was successful in defending their positions - first of all, the issues concerning the return of the refugees and defending their property.

All the pretensions existing earlier connected Kodori Gorge, and the Upper Abkhazia, Ganmukhuri camp and all other misunderstandings are left behind now.

This is also one more step forward.

We actively work with Koba Subeliani and you know we have identified all your property list and corresponding certificates are given out.

Cince we reached the agreement, that the Russians will not recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and that we will jointly control the borders, we agreed Russian Federation would fulfill their duties in connection with CIS 1996 sanctions.

Russia must fully fulfill these sanctions in Abkhazia against the executors of ethnic cleansing.

Today Georgia has a chance to speak to partners friendly and with self confidence.

You know that we have come to the critical historic moment - a possibility of joining the NATO alliance.

A couple of years ago, I considered it unbelievable utopia, but it turned out to be quite realistic today, and we all witness the start of the further stage in our life.

We managed to withdraw the major Russian military bases from Georgia in the first term of my Presidency, and it was a significant part of the agreement between Russia and Georgia.

I appreciate the fact that Russians withdrew all the bases except the Gudauta Base from Georgia and they fulfilled this agreement.

This is really a good start, and we have to build better relations later.

The NATO Summit will be held in Bucharest on April 5, 2008, where one of the issues to be discussed is to give Georgia and the Ukraine the official status of the candidate to the NATO membership.

This is a very important historical edge for our country.

In the nearest future, on March 7, the meeting of NATO Ministers will be held in Brussels, where there will be preliminary decisions made referring this issue.

There are forces, outside, and unfortunately for us inside Georgia, who openly or secretly try to interrupt this process - they go abroad and say, that it is inadmissible and unacceptable, that Georgia has not reached the very level, to become the NATO member.

Though I think that our people by means of the referendum proved they have the will, and is unstoppable.

What does the NATO membership mean and what do we need it for?

We need to be defended strategically in this very complex and risky region. We need to be plenipotentiary member of the strongest alliance, throughout the history of the mankind that can strengthen this region and could make a valuable contribution in this Organization and could receive its own security warranties.

A certain period must pass to receive membership after being a candidate to NATO membership, but to receive the status of a candidate, means that this process is unstoppable, and that is so very important to each of us.

At the same time you see how our armed forces develop, and you all know, that we have a lot to be proud of.

We have very often said: what if we could ten percent of what we have today, when we were attacked, when hundreds of thousands of our citizens were exiled and killed.

We had heroes, but we did not have one tenth, or maybe one hundredth of what we have today.

And we have been building this all step by step during last four years.

Of course we need to spend money on building schools, hospitals and develop social programs, including your direction, but our responsibility towards the future of Georgia is to defend its security.

What we do for our armed forces will not bring us votes, but it will bring the lasting strategic supply to Georgia that will help Georgia for centuries ahead.

The day when I care for elections and votes only, will be lost both - for me and for my country.

First of all we should care about children and grandchildren.

This is the difference between today's government and all other opportunist political groups.

I have responsibility towards the generations, and I will never trade this responsibility on the popular decisions that need to be de right at this moment or on future victory in elections.

We have this responsibility, and I hope you will understand me better than anyone else!

Georgia has a very long history and you are the significant part of this history.

We opened the Museum of the Soviet Occupation.

Our history is not what we were taught in the Soviet period. Our history starting from historical Kolkheti and ending in 20th century grand battle for independence is the history of individual heroes.

Today we have a unique chance to combine power with this heroism.

This brings us, as we remember from David the Builder's epoch, the miraculous results - this was shown by David and by George V the Brilliant.

This is our history and today we have chance to revive it.

I address all ethnicities living in Georgia.

During the period of David the Builder and George V the Brilliant Georgia was a very strong, multinational country. All these ethnical groups got united finally under one strong Georgian nation and they all defended the interests of Georgian nation.

This is all I wanted to tell you!

Thank you very much!

The Press Office of the President of Georgia

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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