

10/16/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met Tbilisi State University students The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited Tbilisi State University on its 90th anniversary and held talks with the University students. The President of Georgia said that he had no chance to attend the 90th anniversary of Tbilisi State Universi...
10/15/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili made a comment during his visit in Brussels During his visit in Brussels the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili made a comment on Geneva international talks. According to President's statement Russia was not able to forget Soviet policy and has terminated international negotiations. "Although...
10/10/2008 0The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and the French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchener held a joint press conference Mikheil Saakashvili:"We have worked for a month and a half, we have our position and I think that every normal person around the world has the same position - there was a barbarian aggression undertaken against Georgia in August, which was prepared long a...
10/8/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili opened Aleksandre Chavchavadze’s museum in Tsinandali Today the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili opened Aleksandre Chavchavadze's renovated museum. Company "Silk Road brand "Umbrella Consulting" conducted the renovation."Everyone thought that we had lost our heritage, but it did not happen so. On the...
10/3/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the Chairman of the Supreme Court Kote Kublashvili The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the Chairman of the Supreme Court Kote Kublashvili. Mikheil Saakashvili listened to the information given by Kote Kublashvili on the ongoing judiciary reform.Due to the statement made by Mikhael Saakashvili...
10/2/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the representatives of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense Joint Staff Good evening!We have just discussed combat activities against Russian aggressors very openly, now we have to make certain conclusions and analyze everything what happened in details.Our country went through an aggression of unimaginable scale. Several day...
10/1/2008 The Minister of Internal Affairs briefed the President of Georgia on ongoing works in assisting the victims of the Russian aggression The Minister of Internal Affairs briefed the President of Georgia on ongoing works in assisting the victims of the Russian aggression.As the Minister stated 6220 houses are being built and repaired and the reconstruction will have been finished by Decembe...
10/1/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the journalists of the Georgian Tele-Companies Welcome you all!A few days ago I attended UN General Assembly in New-York and I want to tell you that it was a much broader-scaled UN Session than ever before. I want to tell you in several words about those events that I discussed today with the Minister...
9/30/2008 The joint press conference of the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and 1st European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Mikheil SaakashviliHello everybodyWe were together in the town of Gori and I want to thank you for your personal engagement and your personal stamina as well, because I know how difficult it was to put together in 20 days a very complicated EU mission wit...
9/30/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and the President of Armenia Serj Sarkisian met the media-representatives Mikheil Saakashvili I welcome you all here! It is great honor for me to greet the President of Armenia Serj Sarkisian on his first official visit here in Georgia. Armenia and Georgia historically and in today's world are allies, are brother countries, are...
9/24/2008 H.E. MR. MIKHEIL SAAKASHVILI, PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA. 63rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly. New York, 23 September 2008 Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, Excellencies, Distinguished delegates, I thank you for the opportunity today to address this, the 63rd annual gathering of the General Assembly, at such a critical moment in the history of my own country and of the Un...
9/16/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili’s annual speech presented in the Parliament of Georgia Good evening ladies and gentlemen! The Majority and representatives of the opposition, members of government, dear guests and journalists! Today I address you as the President of the country, which has a very difficult period. I was elected by my nation, ...
9/16/2008 The joint press conference of the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer Mikheil Saakashvili:Mr. Secretary General, dear guests!First of all I want to thank you personally for this truly important visit. I want to thank you all for the fact that NAC first very important visit was held in Georgia and for the formation of the jo...
9/15/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer opened NAC Session Mikheil Saakashvili Dear Mr. Secretary General!I have an honor to greet you and every member and employee of the North Atlantic Council. Today each of you is our guest.We have been looking forward to this visit for a long time and we are very glad to host...
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