

The President of Georgia made a statement regarding Georgia’s security doctrine

The Minister of Defense has confirmed that no changes were made to our security doctrine, especially with avoidance of the President, which I welcome. It did not happen the way the Prime Minister said. Saying that Russia is a threat and that this is defined by what we write in some document is of course not right. Russia is a threat not because we wrote it in a document, but because it has 20 % of our territory occupied; because it constantly strengthens its bases around and within our borders; and is getting ready for a following aggression against Georgia because its main program is restoration of the Soviet Union, and Georgia’s independence and chosen course is fundamentally unacceptable for Russia. This is exactly what defines Russia as a threat and not some subjective attitude.

Documents show only what is happening in reality. Hence, if we change the documents some virtual change may occur, but reality will remain the same. This is why we need to be very real and we should look the truth in the eye, and despite all of this create every kind of conception of security. No change has happened in this direction so far and no change can.

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