

The President of Georgia addressed teenagers of various ethnicities in Anaklia Patriot's Camp


First of all I would like to say that this is a unique place, however it is not the first camp that we had constructed.

We had maybe less beautiful wooden camp in three km from here. Three years ago, in August, in a sunny day like this the army intruded on our territory considered this camp as a dangerous military installation and first what they did - they burned that camp.

I am telling you it all, because I want you to know the absurd of our situation today. On the one hand Georgia is being developed very rapidly. I saw many hotels recently, a new boulevard, a new bridge that is called -Bridge of Unity. This coast will become several km longer, you will see probably that there are many cafés and restaurants here. Also we have bungee jumping and other attractions here. In one week one of the biggest companies is going to start construction of an Aqua Park here. It is the same company that constructed huge Aqua Park in Dubai. Everything is being done for people in Georgia. This is a public space - boulevard, bike path, Aqua Park, open theatre. Also huge golf course is being built for foreign and local tourists, in order for us to learn how to play golf better... Soccer stadiums, basketball squares and other sport and recreation facilities are being constructed as well.

On the other hand there are about 16 bungalows, by the end of the 16th bungalow is a wall. Beyond this wall there is about 60-70 km of empty space. There is only a military camp; there are tanks and wires. There is emptiness and hopelessness, destruction and lack of prospect beyond that wall. This is a county that consists not from Georgians in regards of ethnicities, but it is a union of various cultures, various ethnic groups and various mosaics.

Such Georgia permanently faces problems because we want to be free and open, we want to live a normal live.

Sometimes I am even surprised why they pay this much attention to us. I saw two days ago how the President of much bigger country spoke about our country (despite the fact that he is a President of such a big country - in reality he was not either given or has no power and is standing under the shadow of another man). It is true that I haven't seen the whole interview - I have many other things to do, but as the press office staff told me the interview lasted for 55 minutes and 39 minutes out of it was dedicated to me. Sometimes I think doesn't the leader - although with limited powers - of such a huge country have anything else to do but to think about the Georgian President? If he speaks about me for 40 minutes, he probably thinks about me for 40 days and even for 40 months. That's not a normal situation, because we do not want to be part of various geopolitical games.

Personally I get pleasure out of construction, for example the fact that this camp was built.

Once, when I was flying to some foreign country on my business trip, I looked at photos of Lego in the airplane and realized that a very good camp could be constructed in this style. Ganmukhuri camp was recently burned that time. We discussed this issue with the representatives and constructed exactly this - a very beautiful new camp. In four months we constructed the camp that you see now. There is nothing that can give you more pleasure - to see something and later construct something out of what you saw - nothing in live can be more pleasant.

Some people like to construct the camps, some like to burn, overran by tanks and destroy camps with their huge army.

No matter how many camps would they burn and destroy, we will construct more.

No one could imagine that Anaklia could become a very beautiful resort.

We thought that Bchvinta was the best resort on the Black Sea coast. Bichvinta is very beautiful indeed and it will return to the place it belongs to. However Anaklia is not less beautiful and we are constructed it in better way as well. This is our experience brought by the history. As one Georgian poet says: "If someone hits me nine times with sward, I will laugh nine times to upset my enemy"...

Or another one: "I was many times in the same situation, but I had never complained"...

Sure when you see so much injustice, maybe from inside you have huge protest and you might even complain, but we have no right to stop, to terminate development and stop struggling for the better future.

An edge is also nearby, beyond of which people are asked of their ethnic origins and if they are not representatives of those ethnicities that bosses of the soldiers standing there do not like - they will not allow them to cross the border.

My grandfather Domenti Alasania left his house in Eshera and so my motherland is Abkhazia. My motherland is there, where one of the remained armies of the world is not letting us because of our ethnic origins. We are not dividing people by their ethnic origins. We are not asking anyone their ethnicity, mother tongue and religion, but because others do - I also got interested and I am very glad to know that there are ethnic Russians, ethnic Byelorussians, Polish, Azerbaijanis and Armenians - representatives of our brotherly nations.

I am very glad that so many beautiful, pleasant, interesting, smart, attractive citizens came here to visit us from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Poland, Byelorussia and Russia.

Lets start from Russia - always when Russian government was still speaking to me I told them: It is possible that I am one of the last leaders of Georgia that can quote Esenin, Pushkin, Lermontov, Visocky, Brodsky and if you continue this way it is possible for future Georgian President will not speak Russian at all and it is too bad...

Sure politics is politics. Politics, when part of our country is occupied is not bringing you good attitude towards good political relations, but people might not lose one another in any case.

There are big problems between Armenia and Azerbaijan and those problems are ours as well, these are problems of Georgian people as well. However I am sure that we are close to an era when Caucasus is united; when these people will mutually resolve their problems, like the people of EU, Benelux and Scandinavia.

Caucasus has absolutely all resources to become free and united, sure by maintaining all borders, nations and originalities, but it is still one region. If you ask Georgian what Byelorussia is they will answer that very brave people live in Byelorussia that fought for securing their motherland, that very patriot and wise people live there. By the way we are now developing informational technologies. For your information the best IT specialist now live in Byelorussia.

This fact tells us much about the talent and capabilities of a nation. Byelorussia is a country where there live very hard working, peaceful, friendly and interesting people.

This is a country where the best tractors are produced. They have the highest rate of milking in whole Europe...

There are truly European, very interesting people that must be the part of European elite. This nation bears friendly and peaceful nation towards its neighbors and it is very important. We experienced it already and we are very grateful to you. Georgian people will never forget this.

This is why we want you to become friends with Georgian youngsters. We want you to travel to one another, to have relations not only by Internet, but in real daily live. We want you to be friends, to love or simply to think about one another. I am sure it will be like this.

The program that we are fulfilling here will be a one small step made towards relations between our people, in order for them never to lose these ties. e had about five hundred guests here last year. The same number we have this year, next year this camp will be twice as bigger and thousands of people will come from Minsk, Gomel and many other places of Byelorussia.

I wish you to take part of this warmth together with you. Small seeds of these relations will never be lost. They will grow by all means and create absolutely new, diverse relations between the generations. I want once again to greet you all!

I came here today to see the preparation process of opening of Anaklia resort. I am sure that this will be the best resort in entire Black Sea Coast. I think you will have a chance to go on excursion in Batumi and see what a miracle new Georgia had created.

I want you to remember not personally me after leaving this place, but friends that you made from other post Soviet countries, Poland and sure locals as well. Please remember not only the smallest and genius, like Vato for example, but less genius and older ones that will be good friends of you for the entire live if you continue this beautiful relations.

I don't want now to take more of your time here and will take a ride by scooters with some of you with great pleasure.

Thank you very much!

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