

The President of Georgia met a girl who survived after terrorist attack in Norway

The President of Georgia met a girl who survived after terrorist attack in Norway Natia Chkhetiani. Mikheil Saakashvili once again conveyed his condolences to the family of Tamta Liparteriani. Mikheil Saakashvili encouraged Natia Chkhetiani and recalled the years when he was working in Norway. As he said the crime fulfilled by the terrorist is so heavy that there is no sufficient penalty for it.  

"I just met Natia Chkhetiani. She is extremely dignified young lady. She went through hell indeed and I am surprised to see how she managed to maintain calmness and balance. Sure she worries a lot because of what had happened, but it is incredible happiness that she had survived. What happened to Tamta Liparteriani's family and to the whole Georgian nation is a huge tragedy. We got used to the fact that something had happened somewhere, some people got killed or exploded. All of this remains as statistics for many people, until it touches someone personally - specific family, friend or citizen. Just imagine a girl to which her parents gave education, opened way to her live, in pretty difficult situation (this is not a wealthy family - it is a mid class family from Kutaisi) - this girl should had find a way to her live and went to a country that has a reputation to be most secured country all around the world and such a misfortune happened to her...  

Brute is equal everywhere - on South Pole and in Norway. A person that fulfilled such an action is a real animal - I cannot call him anything else. I was in Norway at certain period of my career and I went there when I was the same age as Tamta and Natia were. I even saw Norwegian prisons that look like sanatoriums more than prisons. I cannot imagine how adequate it is for that animal to stay in that sanatorium. He harmed so many families to death, among them this family from Kutaisi, Tamta's relatives and friends.

I want to wish Natia to overcome her misfortune timely, however she will never forget what happened. I wish her to become a very successful person for our country and for honor of her friend's memory", the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili stated.

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