

The President of Georgia opened Shota Rustaveli square and monument in Hungary

One of the central and oldest squares of Budapest has been named after Shota Rustaveli today. The monument of great Georgian poet was raised on square as well that was opened by the President of Georgia in a festive atmosphere. The President of Hungary and the Mayor of Budapest met Mikheil Saakashvili on place. The Mayor presented a sward to the President of Georgia with the following words engraved: "To the leader of a fighting nation!" Hungarian children sang Georgian national anthem on newly opened Rustaveli Square that became a symbol of friendship between the two countries. Mikheil Saakashvili invited children to visit Georgia. He addressed society gathered there and spoke about common values of Hungary and Georgia.

"We were permanently in the center of great empires - we were always the most desired part for them - the places they wanted to occupy the most. They were permanently taking our territories and permanently trying to take our freedom, but we never broke, never disappeared and despite the attempts of our enemies we were getting stronger in hardship every time. Sandor Petofi and Shota Rustaveli taught us exactly this. We had managed to return to world history and world map. It is not a coincidence that many things unite Georgia and Hungary even today - the destinies of these countries are similar. In 1956 were all observing with our fingers crossed your battle for freedom in Budapest for every single house - when we were enslaved in Soviet Union. This was the most unfair, unequal and biggest fight for freedom in 20th century. Georgia started demonstrations against Soviet Union and Soviet regime in about the same period of time. Today we still have much in common in our reforms, in our courage, in our non-conventional attitude towards changes and future. This causes many people's admiration around us and at the same time irritation and envy. Finally I want to thank you for such a warm reception. I want to thank these children that despite the heat perfectly sand our national anthem. I want to invite them to Tbilisi to sing the same anthem in order for all Georgia to listen to them. We will be very honored to receive them and specially host them", the President of Georgia noted.

The Mayor of Budapest addressed the society as well. As he said Mikhai Zich , Hungarian artist and graphic designer has a special shares in Georgian-Hungarian special relationships. "the fact that we are now opening Shota Rustaveli sculpture is personal share of Mikhai ZIch, because he was first who made illustration for "The Night in Panther's Skin". This statue will be a symbol of friendship and relationships between our two countries".

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