

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili is in St Petersburg

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili went to St Petersburg to attend the CIS country leaders meeting. The meeting of Georgian and Russian Presidents was held in Constantine Palace. The two Presidents discussed the issue of improving relations between the two countries. The Presidents discussed the issue of conflict zones as well. Dimitry Medvedev believes that Russia and Georgia are able to resolve problems without the help of the mediator. Mikheil Saakashvili stated that it is possible to make the relations warmer between Russia and Georgia and expressed his hope about deepening the cooperation between the countries.

"Yesterday I was in Germany, had talks with German colleagues; they're worried about Russian-Georgian relations, but I think we ourselves will be able to resolve all the problems we face today, overcome difficulties and find long-term solutions to those problems," noted Dimitry Medvedev.

Mikheil Saakashvili agreed with his Russian counterpart and expressed pleasure about the chance of meeting the newly elected President.

"I am very glad to have this opportunity to come and talk with you face-to-face and I really hope for fruitful and long-term cooperation and the resolution of all painful, pressing issues. I think there are no problems that cannot be resolved; there are many unresolved problems, but there are no problems that will be impossible to resolve. Each of them can be resolved if there is goodwill and mutual understanding. Russia and Georgia are very close to each other from historic, cultural and people-to-people points of view and today's situation is artificial and no one can benefit from it. All the issues must be resolved; there are principle issues; accumulated issues, which I hope we will resolve," stated the President of Georgia before starting the face-to-face meeting.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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