

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili’s address to the population of Georgia

I want to greet all of you!

As you all know there will be European Country Leaders' Emergency Session held in Brussels tomorrow.

To be honest I do not even remember when the European Country Leaders held a special summit last time. And now they will meet tomorrow to discuss the results of the Georgian annexation by Russia.

We all saw very well, that Russia would consider its aggression with the aim of destroying, occupying and capturing our territories as an episode of the European history. Russia hoped, that the world would not be able to guess what that all was.

All of this turned out to be unbelievably unsuccessful.

I think that Russia is more isolated today, than it was even in the period of the Soviet Union.

I think that even in those countries, which believed Russia was their traditional ally, the public opinion has radically changed.

I could have never imagined that we would ever have such support from Germany or France. I could have never imagined that the freedom of Georgia would ever become such a big issue in United States.

It happened in the history of America very rarely with very few countries.

I could have never imagined that everyone would condemn Russian aggression, condemn this aggression and would support Georgia, not only among politicians, but also among regular people.

We live in the democratic world and mainly people's attitude is very important and lasts longer, than any statement made by politicians. Politicians change, but people must remember with what type of phenomenon they were dealing with.

The unity of our multiethnic country is a basis of our strength and liberation; it is the fundament for the restoration of our territorial integrity in a peaceful way.

This is why a big part of our society planned a grand event tomorrow.

The whole world will look at Tbilisi and other towns and cities in Georgia tomorrow, they will look at us how united we stand, how we support each other and move forward.

During last several weeks we have our opponents browsing around us, they do not like that Georgia is in such a good shape and the main question they ask is - we do not think you have so much unity, are you really so united? Of course you will oppose each other very soon? Now Russia will achieve what they want - the government will go, Georgia will be destroyed, the results of the aggression will be legalized and Russia will be happy.

I have heard this from our evil-wishers and from benevolent people, who are concerned about us.

The first big blow for them was our huge protest in the very first days.

I do not agree with those people who think, that we shouldn't have held a meeting when Georgia was being bombed.

Everyone, who went to the meeting, risked of course.

This was the expression of civic heroism.

This meeting was aired on many channels around the world.

This meeting showed the world, that this was St George's fight against unjust emperor and force.

Tomorrow we can show our unity to our future generations and the whole civilized, democratic society, who without any exceptions and hesitations, stood beside Georgia.

I do not exactly know what can happen in Brussels tomorrow, but I do know, that this is the beginning of a great process.

This process will be very complicated.

The process of Georgia's final liberation has started.

The process of Georgia's real integration towards Europe has started. The process of final neutralization of aggressive forces in the region has started.

This will not be an easy process, but the main thing is that, this process has started.

We are a small nation and our strength lies not in the quantity of tanks, but in the strength of our brave soldiers and the society.

Tomorrow is a moment, when we will show our unity to the whole world.

What I expect from the EU Summit tomorrow is that Europe will not step back to legalize this dirty and brutal aggression and occupation.

I expect that Europe will support territorial integrity of Georgia and will say that they will never recognize the results of this illegality.

This is very important, because Georgians will never get adapted to it.

I expect that a great movement for the liberation and freedom will start tomorrow.

I expect, that a great movement will start to neutralize this brutality. This movement will respond to those, who did this.

We expect from Europe what I have always dreamed about - when wickedness and kindness fight with each other, kindness must always win. It has to defend kindness and fight with wickedness, defend its fundamental values, the freedom and future of small and big nations. Defend what we most love Europe for and we consider ourselves Europeans.

Defend our European aspirations and integration into the civilized world.

We expect it all and expect that this message from different cities, villages, towns, highways and squares of Georgia, will reach EU, the world, humanity and our present and our future.

Till we meet again!

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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