

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili is on a visit in Germany

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili is on a visit in Germany, holding various meetings there. Mikheil Saakashvili delivered a speech at the forum organized by Conrad Adenauer Fund and the main topic of his speech concerned conflict regions in Georgia. He paid special attention to the problem in Abkhazia he noted that Russia lined new borders in the world and intruded into the issue of Georgia's sovereignty by the decision made in spring. As he stated, the problem of conflict resolution is essential not only for Georgia, but for the whole Europe, because the fortune of European security mostly depends on the situation in this region.

"Russia changed the attitude toward separatists and conflict regions in April. After meeting Dimitry Medvedev there appeared hope that we would have to deal with the new realities and would start conflict resolution. We hope to have support from Germany in carrying out reforms, we also hope that EU and European countries will actively participate in the process of conflict resolution. We consider that Europe will play the role of the mediator regarding Russia. We are trying to become a model of how the European Union Institutes could be developed based on firm partnership between countries without the direct membership of EU. We hope to have support from Europe because our cooperation will bring results for both sides. It is evident that there are many threats in the 21 century. Georgia is situated on the Black Sea coast and one of the first European cradles was rocked here. Georgia has to become the architectural model of security in Europe. The recent events that developed in Georgia without our will showed clearly that the nearest future of Europe mostly depends on the situation that is developing in Georgia now", stated the President of Georgia.

At the extended meeting the representatives of the German government informed the Georgian president on their own proposals. They spoke about the necessity concerning the changes in the peacekeeping format in the conflict zones, but they noted that Russia must participate in this process as well. They noted as well that Germany, who is a friend of Russia, is ready to play the role of the mediator between Georgia and Russia.

Besides this, the German side presented a three-stage plan, which was developed by the members of the UN friendly country group in order to relieve the tension in the conflict regions as soon as possible. This plan will be refined, together with the Georgian government, but the major articles are already formulated.

On the first stage Vladimer Putin's April 16 decree must be annulled, additional unforeseen military formations must leave Abkhazian territory and the peacekeeping format must be re-evaluated.

The second stage envisages economic rehabilitation of the conflict zones and formation of free economic zones in Gali and Ochamchire.

The third stage envisages political decision-making process.

The issue of Georgia's integration into the NATO was also discussed during the meeting and it was noted, that Georgia would become a member of the North-Atlantic Alliance stage-by-stage.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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