

4/29/2008 The President of Georgia addressed Abkhazian and Ossetian population with peace initiative My dear fellow citizens, during these days I have addressed you several times. Today I would like to address the ethnic part of our society - ethnic Abkhazs and ethnic Ossetians. My dear Abkhaz sisters and brothers... I know that very many residents of Ab...
4/24/2008 The President of Georgia delivered a speech for the newly accredited diplomats in Georgia Welcome all of you! I would like to welcome the newly accredited representatives of the diplomatic corps. It is a great honor for me to receive letters of credence from you. I want to make a statement on the events, which took place in Georgia recently. A...
4/23/2008 The President of Georgia held a National Security Council session The President of Georgia held a National Security Council session today. Due to the President's statement Georgia has videotape, which is true evidence that Georgia is a victim of aggression. Mikheil Saakashvili calls it provocation and states that Georgi...
4/23/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met with the Lithuanian Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met with the Lithuanian delegation led by the Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas. Gediminas Kirkilas updated the President on Valdas Adamkus's statement. It is emphasized in the statement that EU, European Commi...
4/21/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili made a special statement I would like to address you on the aggressive steps taken Georgia and Georgian people during the last few days and hours. Several hours ago the Air Force of Russian Federation attacked the territory of Georgia, more specifically the conflict zone. In Abkh...
4/21/2008 The President of Georgia made a comment on the statement made by Nino Burjanadze As all of you are informed the timelines for submission of MP lists for May 21 elections at the CEC is expired. These elections will be held on the basis of decision made by the Georgian nation and will be very important stage for Georgian democracy devel...
4/18/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili spoke to his Polish counterpart Lekh Kachinski, US Senators John McCain and Richard Lugar on the telephone In regards of official relationships started by Russia towards Abkhazia and South Ossetia the President of Georgia spoke to his Polish counterpart Lekh Kachinski, US Senators John McCain and Richard Lugar on the telephone. Lekh Kachinski expressed his con...
4/17/2008 The President of Georgia attended an extended government session today The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended an extended session of the Georgian government today. Before the beginning of the session the President listened to the Foreign Minister's information on Russia's decision. According to Mikhail Saakash...
4/15/2008 Free industrial zone project launched in Poti The official ceremony of free industrial zone opening was held in Poti today. The President of Georgia entered Poti Port on board the vessel "Patriot". The Chairman of the Parliament Nino Burjanadze and the Prime Minister of Georgia Lado Gurgenidze accomp...
4/14/2008 Mikheil Saakashvili visited Ozurgeti Today, the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited the residents of Ozurgeti. The deputy candidate of Ozurgeti Anzor Erkomaishvili attended the meeting as well.The President promised the industrial workers that the new hazelnut-processing factory...
4/12/2008 The President of Georgia held a meeting with the working group on the peace plan The President of Georgia held a meeting with the working group on the development of the peace plan. Mikheil Saakashvili gave specific tasks to the members of government."This plan covers almost every single sphere. Several subjective groups - the legal g...
4/11/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited factory in Zestaponi The President of Georgia visited Imereti region. Mikheil Saakashvili inspected "Sak-kabeli" factory, spoke with the personnel and got acquainted with their labor conditions. "They say that we only need 35 year-old-people, here you see the director of this...
4/8/2008 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the graduates of Sachkhere Mountain Training School My dear fellow soldiers, my brothers, my officers! Not long ago I saw a movie, which reflects your training and I talked to our foreign advisors, generals, who came from Israel, high-ranking officers that trained you for serving our country. Two years ago...
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