

4/23/2010 The Mleta Public School students geography quiz game  On April 23, 2010, the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs visited Mleta Public School and attended a students’ geography quiz game
3/24/2010 TB patients received gifts on International TB Day On March 24, 2010, the art studio of the TB Center’s Children Department received 29 gift packages from the First Lady of Georgia (drawing books, pencils, colored pencils, notebooks, drawing papers, etc).
2/27/2010 The National Skating Youth Competition was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Frederick Chopin By the initiative of the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs and the First Lady of the Republic of Poland, Maria Kaczynska the National Skating Youth Competition was held in three cities of Georgia which was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Frederick Chopin.
2/1/2010 A Georgian journalist was granted a course by the Stan Storimans’ Scholarship On February 1, 2010, a journalist was sent to the Radio Nederland Training Center (RNTC) in Hilversum, The Netherlands within the Stan Storimans’ Scholarship to attend a three months course in broadcast journalism
12/28/2009 The First Lady of Georgia visited IDP families from Abkhazia On December 28-29, 2009, the First Lady of Georgia, Mrs. Sandra E. Roelofs visited IDP families from Abkhazia at two collective centers and presented each of them New Year’s gifts and candies.
12/26/2009 The First Lady of Georgia visited IDP families from Abkhazia On December 26, 2009, the First Lady of Georgia, Mrs. Sandra E. Roelofs visited IDP families from Abkhazia and presented each of them with New Year’s sweets and books for 10 children.
10/24/2009 22 - 12th grade students from the Caspi region Aghaiani Public School, went on a two-day excursion to visit Batumi On October 24-25, 2009, at the Initiative of the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs 22 - 12th grade students from the Caspi region Aghaiani Public School, went on a two-day excursion to visit Batumi
10/19/2009 The Dutch table tennis club Steeds Hoger/TSB, and Georgian table tennis club Top-Spin, visited Sighnaghi and Bodbe On October 19, 2009, at the initiative of the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs the Dutch table tennis club Steeds Hoger/TSB, and Georgian table tennis club Top-Spin, visited Sighnaghi and Bodbe.
10/14/2009 Three participants of the 4th International Festival of Young Pianists were awarded with prizes from the First Lady On October 1-14, 2009, the 4th International Festival of Young Pianists was held in Tbilisi. Within the framework of the festival the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs awarded three prominent participants with prizes.
10/10/2009 At the initiative of the First Lady, a national festive event the Day of Poetry – Shotaoba, was organized  On October 10, 2009, at the initiative of the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs a national festive event the Day of Poetry – Shotaoba, was again held in Aspindza.
10/1/2009 At the initiative of the First Lady of Georgia 34 students received study grants As of October 1, 2009, with support of GIEV Foundation, the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs initiated study grants for 34 students from various institutions for the 2009-2010 academic year.
9/1/2009 The Stan Storimans' Scholarship was initiated for Georgian journalists In 2009, the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs initiated the Stan Storimans' Scholarship in order to pay respect to the Dutch journalist Stan Storimans who lost his life in Gori due to the Russian aggression in August 2008.
7/1/2009 English language summer course at the American Academy At the initiative of the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs as of July 1, 2009, four young people attended an English language summer course at the American Academy.
6/19/2009 Visit of the Rustavi 18th Public School students to Sachkhere-Chiatura On June 19, 2009, the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs invited 28 students and 2 teachers of the Rustavi 18th Public School on an excursion to Sachkhere-Chiatura.
3/24/2009 The First Lady of Georgia visited the Children’s Department of the National Center of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases On March 24, 2009, the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs visited the Children’s Department of the National Center of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. She conducted a lecture – the Creative Work of August Rodin for the children.
1/2/2009 New Year’s traditional excursion Bedoba for socially vulnerable families in Gudauri On January 2, 2009, the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs invited 21 persons from socially vulnerable families to the New Year’s excursion in Gudauri
12/18/2008 The New Year performance for internally displaced children from Shida Kartli On December 18-21, with support of the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs Chiatura the Theatre conducted a New Year’s performance the Lost New Year Tale in Tbilisi and Gori for 2000 internally displaced children from Shida Kartli.
10/26/2008 Two-day excursion for students from the Ninotsminda region village Gorelovka, in East Georgia On October 26, 2008, with support of the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs 29 students and 2 teachers from the Ninotsminda region village Gorelovka, visited East Georgia
10/25/2008 At the Initiative of the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs a festive event the Day of Poetry – Shotoba, was restored On October 25, 2008, at the Initiative of the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs a national festive event the Day of Poetry - Shotaoba was restored and held in Aspindza.
10/8/2008 At the initiative of the First Lady of Georgia repair works were done for IDPs On October 8, 2008, at the initiative of the First Lady of Georgia, Sandra E. Roelofs minor emergency repair work was again done at the sites of temporary placement for IDPs from Tskhinvali, Kareli and Gori.