

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held a traditional briefing

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze pointed out that the President of Georgia responded to the initiative of the Chairman of Parliament and positively evaluated changes into the law about media. The Spokesperson said that this is an important step forward that will support development of democracy in Georgia.

Manana Manjgaladze stressed her attention on upcoming Lisbon and OSCE Summits and the President's participation in Francophonie Summit. 

"The initiative of the Chairman of Parliament on changes in law about media is sufficient to the statement made by the President of Georgia from UN tribune in 2008 about starting a new wave of democracy in Georgia. The President of Georgia welcomes this initiative", Manana Manjgaladze stated.

Georgia has already received an official invitation to the Lisbon Summit. Anders Fogh Rasmussen made a statement during his visit in Georgia in September.

"One thing is clear - a strategic conception of NATO must be presented on Summit - the issue of re-distribution of the spheres of influence is unacceptable for the Alliance. At the same time I would like to note that Lisbon Summit would prove the decision made on Bucharest Summit regarding Georgia. What should we expect from Lisbon Summit - course and principle remain the same for Georgia, though the way towards North Atlantic Alliance is long and tough", she noted.

One more important issue that Manana Manjgaladze spoke about was OSCE Summit that will be held in Astana, Kazakhstan on December 1-2. "This Summit was already called historic because it is held first time after 11 years. Georgia is participating in this process and is going to raise several important and specific issues. Among them is an issue of restoring peacekeeping and observation mandates. At one time Russia delivered a hard blow on the organization by blocking the monitoring mandate in the conflict region of Georgia. 

We should wait to see how the events will develop and what will be the results of Summit. It is hard to forecast this results, because you know that Russia is pretty unconstructive in respect of these issues", Manana Manjgaladze stated.

The Spokesperson spoke about the President's participation on Francophonie Summit. "As far as you are concerned Francophonie Summit finished in Switzerland. The representatives of about 70 countries - among them country-leaders - participated in the Summit. A very important document was adopted during the Summit and with united efforts a paragraph about Georgia was included in the resolution. Countries support strengthening of Geneva Talks format, they support UN resolution on secure and dignified return of IDPs, they recognize Georgia's territorial integrity and sovereignty within internationally recognized borders. Georgia was invited to the Summit with the status of observer. The agenda of Summit doesn't include speech of the representative of the state with such status, but because of this communiqué the President of Georgia delivered a speech as an exception", the Spokesperson stated.  

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