

Mikheil Saakashvili visited the newly opened meat-processing plant

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited the new plant "Ibermeat Georgia" in Natakhtari on the first working day. By the words of Mikheil Saakashvili the quality of meat shall be improved in order to make possible for Georgians as well as for foreign customers who receive exported meat, to receive the highest quality Georgian meat.

"We are proud with the Georgian cuisine and this is fair - Georgian cuisine is unique in the World, but we do not know how to process the two main components of food - fish and meat. Let us think, how many types of fish can we cook, and it will turn out that even in terms of the Black Sea cost these are very few. We only fry fish in oil and that is it, we actually do not know how to well process and cook meat, except shashlik.  Until meat gets home, its preprocessing is the main component. For example, in Turkey 10 years ago, you would not find good meal at all, but they learned to make it, in Europe, in many places, where there was no traditional cuisine, they learned it; they learned it in our region, in Azerbaijan too. That is why Georgians too continuously have to develop cookery and cuisine. Meat-processing is the most important part of it. The second - we fulfilled a promise of employment of our damaged people. Our promise that we would employ laborious, capable of working people, forced out by occupants, is being fulfilled. We have the best People in Liakhvi Gorge and it would be a pity to waste these people. It is a great happiness for us that they exist - they are people capable of working, they are laborious, assiduous, honest workers. This war caused just one thing - the occupants watch from aside - plants are being opened one after another; people have much better houses than their officers in the middle of Russia; people get high salaries here and since they thought that they broke down the country, this must be a big surprise for them", stated the President of Georgia.

The meat primary processing plant is equipped with the highest European level standards compatible laboratory and equipment. 14 cattle purchasing points are opened in the different regions of Georgia where livestock farmers can deliver meat. There are 100 employees at the plant, out of those - 20 are people from Tserovani compact settlement, who were damaged by the August war. "Ibermeat Georgia" is the first plant in Georgia where the meat purchased from farmers is packaged at the place. The plant was opened based on Georgian investments and 10 million GEL is invested.


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